How Ring Went From a Video Doorbell to A Community of Loyal Users

How Ring’s early go-to-market strategy helped the company build a community of loyal customers and shareable moments

2 min readJul 16, 2021



What is a shareable moment worth? Is it impressions, or is it product awareness? Or is it the community those moments can build? For Ring, which started as a simple video doorbell, the answer is simple, it’s everything…

“It’s an unexpected use case,” said Mimi Swain, Chief Revenue Officer at Ring. “We lead with security for our products and they ended up being this big part of capturing what’s happening at the front door — from fun moments to other things that you want to keep a closer eye on. And so that’s been a big piece for me”

Founded in 2014, Ring has grown from a simple video doorbell that provides users a window into their home when they’re not around, to a full fledged line of products and services that includes security cameras, smart lights and security systems.

But building that community of active users that actually wanted to engage with the product was not easy for Ring, and Swain said it took a lot of trial and effort to get the product where it is today.

“Everything we do is a learning experience,” Swain said. “We’re big on experimenting and trying things out to see the results. There’s a real openness to experimenting, which I think is great for teams to drive deeper engagement because they feel like they’re learning things and they’re trying things out.”

To hear more about how Ring was able to successfully build a community of loyal consumers, check out the full episode with Swain as she offers up examples of how Ring was able to expand its product line from a modest doorbell to a robust offering. Plus, Mimi dives into how Ring capitalizes off the community of users its Neighbors app has built and the importance of showing up where your customers are.

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