How to Achieve 10x Results With 2 Simple Strategies

January is Over But It’s Not Too Late To Crush 2019. Here’s How.

Mike Fishbein


Setting new year’s resolutions is a great way to get focused on your most important goals for the year. Hopefully you made progress towards your 2019 resolutions in January, but now that the month is over, your year is one month closer to over.

This is the time of year when most people quit. According to US News, 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February. People stop going to the gym as frequently, and their discipline at work starts to fade.

This time last year, I was on my way to becoming a part of that statistic. I had set ambitious goals for my health and finances, but I wasn’t going to reach them. When I reviewed my results at the end of January, it was obvious that I was on a trajectory to fail. I lost confidence and motivation. I wanted to quit and pretend I had never set any goals.

That all changed when I improved my strategy. I started doing weekly review sessions and used the insights that I gleaned from those sessions to shift my focus towards my best opportunities. Once I made these changes, I regained focus and ultimately surpassed my goals for the year. This article covers my weekly review process and three techniques for prioritizing opportunities.

