How to Be Outrageously Consistent | 7 Tips to Be Consistently Consistent

Anthony Galli
6 min readMay 31, 2018


My friend laughs at me whenever we walk into a restaurant because the waiter will walk over, smile, and ask, “Same same?”

I tend to go to the same restaurants and order the same thing.

As I tell my friend, “Why fix what’s not broke?”

My productivity is predicated on consistency. If I break out of my routine then I’m much more likely to go completely off the rails and fly into a McDonalds.

Here are some tips to help us be consistently consistent…

1. Consistent Morning

If I was able to hire a bunch of consultants to generate a pie chart of my most successful days then they would almost certainty start with upholding my morning routine.

My current morning routine: wake up, meditate 5 minutes, read, get out of bed, step out onto balcony where I brush my teeth, splash water on my face, stretch, 25 pushups, 50 jumping jacks, get ready and go!

It’s not super optimized, but it’s effective in getting me started in a state of controlled focus.

2. Write it Down to F.O.C.U.S.

Follow One Course Until Success.

“When I did make the decision…

