How to become more likable — 4 Tips That Will Change Your Life

tom ayling
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2016

All I wanted was to be liked by you, him, her, her, him, and them. It’s all I wanted.

But it was a trap. Like many desires, we’re trapped once we “have” it, then we’re afraid to “lose” it. The fear of loss becomes greater than the fear of gain. And that’s when we die.

Death omits growth. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. If your money isn’t making money, you’re losing money. There’s no middle ground. It’s black or white.

I chose this article title for one reason: I know my readers- they’re smart, so my concern is not whether they’re finding the right answer. My concern is that they’re getting the right answers to the wrong questions. The key is asking the right question.

So, I lied to my readers because “how do I become more likable?” was the question I asked myself too many times, and most of the time, all it did was suffocate my creativity and limit my options. I would want to pursue an idea, then think, well, what would they think? Would they still like me? Would they think I’m cool?

Chances are they wouldn’t care at all, maybe not even notice. But I guess that’s what makes relationships difficult. We don’t know what anyone else is thinking. It turned out that thinking I knew what others were going to think of me ended up locking me in a trap.

This is not a list about how you can become more likable, but these five tips have changed my life and may possibly change yours.


The first step toward change is becoming aware. The easiest way to become aware is in the reflection of others. Just as the sun sees the moon and knows it’s time to set, those who reflect us share great insights on how and when to change.

Old question: How can I become better?

New questions: (Pareto’s 80/20 rule at play) Which actions result in 80% of my productivity? Which actions result into 80% of my procrastination?

For me, this vetted Snapchat and Instagram out (weekends-only, now). Instead, I’m working on only using email, Twitter, and Facebook at specific times in a day. When all three combine in excess, it results in 80% of my procrastination.

I’m an extremist, so it’s usually all or nothing for me.


Anytime I didn’t agree with you, I would let you know immediately.

The best way to become more likable and gain a broader perspective is to agree with everyone’s point.

If you want to learn, only agree for entertainment purposes. Entertain their point of view, and then ponder whether you’d like to adopt it. If not, it’s up to you whether you’d like to tell them or not.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” — Aristotle

Old question: Why don’t they see my point!? They’re idiots!

New question: What in their life influenced them to adopt this point of view? What do they know about this subject that I don’t?


If you love drawing, but you don’t draw, why don’t you draw? If you love to write, but don’t write, why don’t you write?

One reason might be money. In general, artists don’t make enough money, which limits the time one can spend creating, and blows out the passion flame.

I’ve been reminded many times to not do “x” because I lacked “y”. Don’t go to college because you lack the ability to learn at that speed. Don’t write because your vocabulary is poor. In school, those discouraging voices have authority. In the 90s these voices in the real world had authority, too. Today, they do not have authority unless you give it to them.

I would NOT BE A WRITER if society had gatekeepers. Thankfully, we don’t. That gatekeeper that tried to keep me out of school, or not to do “x” because of “y”. Those gatekeepers got fired by YouTube, blog sites, and different platforms that allow artists to share their work.

I’ve not only found out how to express my voice, but to monetize it. Now, my mission is to find a way for artists to make a comfortable living by sharing their art with the world. This mission excites me, this mission wakes me up in the middle of the night and drives me out of bed in the morning.

Find what excites you and go for it. Let nothing stop you.

Right now I’m creating a video about this exact project. I’m excited to share this with you soon. The first phase will be for writers.

We choose six writers’ works weekly. At the end of the week, these writers split the revenue we created (I take $0). If you want to write for us one week, fill out this form here.

Old questions: What should I be? What can I make the most money doing?

New questions: How can I make the most money doing what I love? How can I inspire the world to be a better place? How can I use (passion hobby) in a unique way that the world has never seen?


Let it out. You’re free. You’re not worried about being liked anymore. Go into the grocery store singing your favorite song. Go outside and give a RAWWR!

Be original and remove your filter. Live life in joy, for the presence of joy breeds peace, creativity, and love. Filtering joy vets originality- my friend. My long lost friend.

Don’t filter yourself. Don’t lose that flame.

Grow, shine, and create.

Old question: how I can I best fit into the system to maximize my potential?

New question:


“I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store;

For Life is just an employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial’s hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have paid.”

Jessie B. Rittenhouse

