How To Chase Your Dreams And Win

Tony Fahkry
Published in
5 min readMar 25, 2018


A Burning Desire

“Don’t be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.” — Unknown

What are you passionate about?

Could you earn a living pursuing this passion?

Whilst a simple question, many fall short pursuing their dreams fearing they’ll never realise them.

Society imposes cultural norms on us, such going to university to get a job which pays well enough to pay the mortgage. You might prefer to get married and have kids, only to realise this is not enough.

Whilst I appreciate not all people subscribe to this way of life, we’re conditioned to accept it as our fate. I must be clear there’s nothing wrong with following this path, I only wish to draw your attention to the other options available.

It’s interesting to note the people who pursue a career change later in life. They hail from business, economic and IT backgrounds to name a few and have generally followed the ‘plan’ society imposed on them, only to realise it didn’t suit them.

So, what are your dreams?

Have you been advised against pursuing them?

Those who counsel you against pursuing your dreams have missed the opportunity to pursue theirs. They may live unfulfilled lives, believing this is how it’s meant to be.

Who contrived that story anyway?

Why aren’t we encouraged to dream big and pursue it with vigour?

Why aren’t we supported with resources and encouragement to turn those dreams into reality?

I’m fortunate to work with amazing people, who help transform my dreams into reality. Such people are out there and will show you the way if you dare to commit to the journey.

To pursue your dreams requires courage, faith and determination. It’s the most challenging pursuit I’ve undertaken. To date, I’ve experienced many setbacks while savouring the smaller victories along the way. Would I trade it for a 9–5 job with a paying salary? Certainly not.

Challenges and obstacles are reasons people fail in pursuing their dreams. The setbacks that lead to success are fraught with obstacles they’d rather avoid. They prefer to realise success NOW without the failures.

Psychologists outline the benefits of developing our Emotional Intelligence (EQ) so we are able to focus on the long game. For obvious reasons, we need assurances there’ll be money in the bank at the end of the working week and food on the table.

I experienced moments of wanting to throw in the towel when my challenges consumed me. The thought of carrying on was too much to bear at the time.

The setbacks were too many and I felt like I was fighting a losing battle I was certain to lose. However, I wasn’t aware of what was taking shape behind the scenes.

Amidst the challenges, I was developing strength of character. I was learning valuable life lessons and developing mental and emotional resilience. I was “sharpening the saw” as Stephen Covey reminds us in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Committed To The Path

“Judge of your natural character by what you do in your dreams.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

The most central aspect to pursuing my dreams was a burning desire. Over the years, through persistence and setbacks, I developed an indelible determination. It’s an inner sense, an intuition which advises me to keep going — “you’re nearly there” it calls out in those moments where I feel defeated.

These days when I experience defeat, my inner guide comes to my aid. It instructs me to strike again with hunger and my hope and enthusiasm is renewed. As I retire to bed overwhelmed from the day’s challenges, there’s a renewed passion the following day and the belief I can make it happen.

So how does one develop inner purpose?

The key to developing inner power lies in defeat. It is through repeated setbacks one’s inner strength and conviction is realised.

There’s something undeniable about the human spirit. Our strength and resolve is borne out of character. The need to improve ourselves gives rise to search for meaning and purpose.

Our dreams are conferred to us by a greater plan. I’m not referring to God or a deity, rather a greater intelligence/source/power that has our best interest at heart.

Achieving your dreams is challenging. It does not deny you the ability to persist despite how tough and unforgiving the journey may seem.

If you love what you do and are inspired to take daily action, let go of how your dreams should unfold. Enjoy the process instead. I love learning and making mistakes each time I try something new and encourage you to adopt the same outlook.

Get out there and turn your dreams to reality. Prove it can be done your way — make it your mantra. Be different. Be bold. Don’t worry about others. Run your own race and let go of the need to compare yourself to others, since it’s a race seldom won.

Other people’s journey is different to yours. Find what works best for you and pursue it with your heart and soul.

Part of your journey will involve challenges, obstacles and roadblocks. Be ready for them. They’re part of the journey to follow your dreams. Consult your intuition if you wish to continue. It’s an inner resolve; an inner conviction which says ‘it can be done.’

Your mission is to draw on that inner state every time you encounter challenges. Let me tell you those obstacles will appear as sure as the sun rises each day. Greet them with enthusiasm and conviction. Trust the process will be made known once you commit to the path.

Your dreams, goals and visions lie waiting in the not too distant future. Move towards them with enthusiasm and passion. Only then will you realise you gave it your best.

Call To Action

To live a remarkable life, you must take consistent action in spite of your fears and doubts. Download your FREE COPY of my comprehensive eBook: NAVIGATE LIFE and embark upon your journey of greatness today!



Tony Fahkry

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