How To Engage Your Workforce (And Teach Them To Think Like CEOs)

David K. Williams
Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2017

For the strongest company possible, teach your employees to think and act as if they work for “Me, Inc.”

Teach your employees to think like CEOs

Do you want your employees to become strategic thinkers? Do you want your inbox filled with proposals for innovative, revenue-generating ideas? Do you want a workforce comprised of sound decision makers who are also good judges of talent and continually driven to deliver excellent results? Teach your employees to think like CEOs.

A recent Gallup poll found that engaged employees (who think like CEOs) drive earnings per share, profitability, productivity and high customer ratings — all key indicators in determining a company’s health. Here are three ways to help your team members think like CEOs, become more engaged in their work and push the company on to even greater success.

1. Teach employees to work for “Me, Inc.”

At Fishbowl, we provide employees with all the tools — clearly defined job responsibilities, training and all necessary resources — to lead them to success at the company. Once they are comfortable in their positions, we then encourage them to start working as “Me, Inc.”

This paradigm shift allows employees to start thinking about business from a different perspective. They begin questioning their ideas like a CEO might. “Will this idea make money?” “What is the best timing for releasing this product?” “Are all departments and pivotal personnel aligned and ready for release?”

If employees drive creative ideas as far through the thought process as possible, they will no longer think from an employee point of view. They will start to think like an owner and get even more creative with their jobs.

2. Put everyone on a salary + commission structure

By placing your entire workforce on a salary-plus-commission pay structure, every employee benefits from the revenue growth of the entire company. The commission component of the compensation package leads employees to think about the company’s bottom line, much like a CEO.

Several years ago, we implemented a company-wide commission program to help our Fishbowl employees think like CEOs. It changed the whole company overnight. All of a sudden, departments started reaching across the aisle to talk to each other. Programmers, who might normally avoid the sales department, suddenly began asking salespeople for advice to help better retain customers. They even brainstormed revenue-generating ideas together. They began communicating as an organization instead of self-contained silos.

Today, our employees, regardless of their job roles, are focused on revenue, profit and savings instead of pet projects or individual department agendas. That perspective drives our company forward.

3. Give stock options

Want to watch your employees’ involvement in the success of your company skyrocket? Offer them stock options. You don’t have to be a publicly traded company or even have the expectation of becoming one in the near future. You simply have to determine the value of the company and set aside a certain percentage of it as stock options to give to your employees. Then, as the value of your company increases year by year, so too will the value of the stock options.

Your employees will not only become more curious about the day-to-day and long-term financial success of the company, but they will also seek out more sales and growth opportunities as they happily watch the value of their stock increase.

Offering stock can be compared to a young couple buying their first home after living in a rental unit. They start to notice the peeling paint on the garage door and leaky faucet in the downstairs bathroom — because it now directly affects their home value and water bill. Employee owners will treat your company differently, too.

When employees become stockholders (owners), they change. Their language changes from “my paycheck” to “our company value,” from “my job responsibilities” to “our project goal.” They are more inclusive, more accepting of others and more willing to recognize the distinct and diverse contributions that others bring.

In his article on, small business writer William Pirraglia states that “stock options are a valuable benefit that companies use to create higher level motivation and dedication. . . . Their stock value hinges on company performance, which, of course, is a direct byproduct of employee achievement.” Stock options create motivation and dedication as employees are invited to get a piece of the rock, which can be an especially valuable asset to a junior employee.

By creating a CEO-minded culture in your workplace through beliefs like “Me, Inc.” and programs like stock options and company-wide commission plans, you are establishing an ideal environment for employees to be productive, creative and happy. Watch your company excel as you infuse your workplace with passion, dedication and commitment.

Call to Action

Would you like to know more? You can follow my weekly columns (where this originally appeared) on life, leadership and entrepreneurship here.

You can learn more about my company, Fishbowl Inventory, by visiting our website here. I look forward to hearing from you.



David K. Williams

I am a serial entrepreneur, a contributor to Forbes and HBR, and the author of The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning from Wiley & Sons.