The Secret To Falling In Love With Your Work And Life

Prakhar Verma
Published in
5 min readNov 2, 2017


Five years ago, I wanted to get fit.

So, I joined a gym. I paid the membership price and I was ready to rock and roll.

I was excited. I imagined how my body will transform in a few months.

Day one was fun. I gave my full effort and felt like a superhero.

The next day was painful. My body was sore and I didn’t want to go to the gym. But I used my willpower and went to the gym anyways.

The next day was even more painful. So, I rested before another day of workout.

When I went to the gym next time, things were different. It wasn’t that “fun” anymore. I didn’t feel like a superhero.

I hated working out. I even hated the thought of going to the gym. After a few weeks, I quit the gym.

This is the story of so many people who want to start something new in their life with enthusiasm but quit after losing motivation.

Today, I’m more fit than ever before. I’ve been working out for four years. Training my body is part of my life and I truly enjoy it.

I’m sure you have at least one thing you love doing. It could be anything — writing, programming, designing, marketing, drawing, singing, playing an instrument, cooking, etc.



Prakhar Verma

Actualize your potential. Remember who you are. Be the best version of yourself: