How to Find Your “X Factor”

Geoff Pilkington
Published in
8 min readMar 3, 2017


X Factor: An indescribable quality or something; something about a person that you cannot put your finger on; je ne sais quoi

I don’t know what it is; she’s not that pretty, but has this x-factor which makes her very hot.

We hear people talk about how one person has that “X-Factor”. That special something. Something that is unquantifiable. It’s perhaps related to why Michael Jordan is still the best player ever to step on a basketball court, Tom Ford a world renowned clothing designer, or Julia Roberts an awe-inspiring movie star. I actually believe this “X-Factor” is more definable than people think it is. We ALL have an X-Factor. Most of us just for various reasons never connect to it. I want to try to help you find elements of yours.

A core key to finding your X-Factor starts with looking at what I call the Learning vs. Doing Principle. Yes, I created this. There’s a lot of talk today about how important self-help books are. Reading. Learning. Undoubtedly this is vehemently true. However, if you step back and look at it, there’s another crowd who talks about doing and action being more important than reading, learning, acquiring knowledge, building character, finding ourselves, and making our way in the world. The fact of the matter is, there’s only so many hours in the day. We only have so much time we can spend learning things vs. going…



Geoff Pilkington

CEO of Launch Industries, Blogger, Podcast Host, Actor, Filmmaker, Futurist, Tech Enthusiast, Social Media Expert, and Content Creator. Personality Type: ENTP