How to Manipulate Your Brain to Shake Off Negativity That Keeps You From Performing

Kaye Ramos
Published in
10 min readDec 22, 2017


You get by every day having the inner satisfaction and peace of mind. No health problems, no lay-off to think of, no relationship issue to bother with and no agony of student loan or credit card debt to stress about.

You may not have the grand material things many wish to have, deep within, you’re very satisfied with all that you have. You are wrapped with positive energy and almost everyone around you can feel that. Your happy mood is very contagious.

It all seems perfect until life presents you with a sharp turn.

Health issues started to arise. Sudden relationship or money problems sprouted out of nowhere.

Your defenses start to collapse. First, loss of motivation to act toward your dreams. Then, comes the negative self-talks that sprout every day followed by lack of willingness to move.

Before you can steer into a different direction, you already lost your power to control your life. Depression kicks in and cripples your entire performance.

And the only thing you become very good at is being PASSIVE.

Negativity wraps around you and every direction that you go leads to a more depressing situation.



Kaye Ramos

Sharing things that Matter and Deliver. I aim to inspire you through my writing.