How to stay healthy when you work 60+ hours a week- including the exact workouts and meal plans to use

John Fawkes
Superhuman By Science
15 min readMar 28, 2016


Originally published on my substack blog.

A while back I asked my readers why it’s so hard to stay in shape. Most of them agreed that they knew they needed to sleep and exercise more, and eat less- but knowing and doing are three different things. When I dug deeper, to uncover the problem behind the problem, three things kept coming up:

  • They’re too busy, either because they work more than 60 hours a week, or they work full time and also have kids, or they work while going to school.
  • They plan to make healthy decisions, but when the time comes, they’re tired and they just don’t have the willpower to cook, work out, or resist the temptation of junk food.
  • In social situations, they feel peer pressure to eat like everyone else.

The following program is designed for people who are extremely busy, stressed out, and don’t have a lot of time to devote to fitness. It is designed to do the following:

  • Ensure that you consistently work out, eat the right foods, and get to sleep on time.
  • Allow you to stay in good physical condition- or even gradually get into shape if you’re not there already.

