I’m Not Interested In The Label of Entrepreneurship: It’s About Creating Something.

Tim Denning
Published in
5 min readFeb 28, 2018


Many of you are caught up in the label of entrepreneurship. I too, admit that I have been caught up in the same vortex of BS.

Harvard says that entrepreneurship is supposed to be like X.

That Meetup you went to says that entrepreneurship is Y.

You then get home and listen to a Gary Vee podcast and start to think that entrepreneurship is now Z.

While everyone is debating what it takes to be an entrepreneur — what traits you have to have to be an entrepreneur; how to raise money as an entrepreneur; what social media channel you should be on — people just like me are switching off.

The fascination of the label entrepreneurship is pointless. The meaning of entrepreneurship comes from the meaning you give it. It’s trivial in the end.

Entrepreneurship is whatever you make it.

Maybe it’s making money.
Maybe it’s starting a business.
Maybe it’s building a following on social media.

It’s all entrepreneurship. The key theme to look at for is this:

Entrepreneurship is about creating something. That something needs to have value.

That’s all it is!

While you sit there overthinking entrepreneurship, the rest of us are…

Building stuff.

That’s right. While you are there being lost in the idea of entrepreneurship and whether you are or aren’t one, and being lost in endless motivational content targeted at wannabe entrepreneurs for the purpose of selling them a course, t-shirt, whatever….the rest of us are creating something.

The only thing that entrepreneurship is really about is getting to work.

That comes from realizing that anyone can do anything. You don’t need a label to take action.

“Labels create mental blocks and limiting beliefs in us all”

We don’t need the label of entrepreneurship. I’ve had moments in my career when I’ve been an entrepreneur and I’ve had moments when I’m nothing more than an employee who wants to go home and write blogs.

Nothing stays the same.

We are forever evolving.

One day you might wake up wanting to be an entrepreneur, and one day you might decide you can’t be arsed and go get a job.

Then you might go back to being an entrepreneur or you might decide to be a solopreneur. Sometimes you want a team and other times you want to execute by yourself as a solopreneur.

Who really gives a rats about any of this.

The problem is simple: not enough action.

“The word entrepreneur has become nothing more than foreplay”

The focus is about our egos and what we are going to do rather than just chipping away silently and building something.

There’s a lot of media about entrepreneurship but very few individuals who are actually building something.

What I want you to do after reading this is to think long and hard about whether you are executing.

Did you really do anything this week that created any progress?
Did you build anything?
Did you do anything new?
Did you create any value?

If you didn’t, then the label of entrepreneurship is not going to help you, my friends.

The only thing that will help you is to leave behind all the entrepreneur hype and get to work.

There’s far too much time being wasted on platforms like Instagram with nobodies teaching fake entrepreneurship than there is time being spent doing work that creates value.

The truth is I want you to win.

I’m not trying to poke fun at you with this article. My ultimate goal is to break your thought patterns and often that can only be done with brute force, honesty and by being blunt.

I stand for tough love because that’s what so many would-be entrepreneurs need.

I can guarantee you that right now Elon Musk is not sitting in the basement of his home watching YouTube videos about how to be an entrepreneur.

In fact, he’s probably never consumed content like that. Instead, young Elon is almost certainly at home working on a rocket ship.

In other words, he’s creating something.

That’s why I have to deliver this harsh truth to you. You don’t need to buy another course, read another book or consume another podcast — all you need to do is start creating something.

The first thing you create will suck.

And the second thing you create will probably suck too.

It’s the practice of going through this process that is the essence of true entrepreneurship that nobody is talking about. I don’t want you to succeed straight off the bat.

I want you to do the hard yards so that then you will understand the true meaning of entrepreneurship and the fact that the label doesn’t mean jack.

Let’s stop debating the label of entrepreneurship; let’s stop comparing.

Who cares who has the bigger business or the best advice, or the best board, or the secret to raising capital.

There’s no one way to create something. Everybody is right and everybody is wrong.

Do what works for you and please just do one thing and one thing only: create something of value.

Let’s make today the end of entrepreneurship and the start of striving to become creators, builders and doers.

It’s time to sing hallelujah, rejoice and remove the halo of entrepreneurship from our heads.

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Tim Denning

Aussie Blogger with 1B+ views that made me 7-figures — Get my free email course: https://timdenning.com/1k-mb