Introducing, Education Trends!

Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2018

As you know, it’s an exciting time right now for higher education. How will the system change? Are innovation and improvement possible?

After dozens of conversations and seeing things firsthand, we’re confident that the answer is yes. In fact, innovation and the future of higher education are very bright. There are dozens of institutions and individuals that are leading these efforts. At The Mission, we wanted to create a way to tell their story in a way where everyone else in the system can benefit.

Which is why we’re thrilled to announce the Education Trends podcast!

Education Trends is your #1 podcast for news that matters in education, college, technology, leadership, and the science of learning.

In Season 1 of Education Trends, we’re interviewing 24 leaders, practitioners, and influencers in higher education. Each week, you’ll hear two deep-dive interviews with Professors, Provosts, Higher Education Leaders, Researchers, and Executives from world-class educational technology companies.

In these interviews, you’ll learn and hear stories about how other organizations are adapting to change, innovating, doing more with less, and how they’re implementing new strategies and technologies. You’ll also hear actionable insights and mental models that you can apply to your own pursuits and work in higher education.

Be sure to download the podcast, subscribe, and stay tuned for future episodes and seasons that tell the real story about what’s happening behind the scenes in higher education.

Education Trends is brought to you by Vemo Education! Vemo works with higher education institutions to develop and implement income based finance programs on their campus. Do you want help designing an ISA program. Vemo has you covered. To learn more about how Vemo partners with institutions of higher learning, click here.

