It had reached a breaking point for me today. I have an information addiction.

Jasky Singh
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2016

Hi I’m Jasky Singh and I’m an information-holic.

I’m constantly overwhelmed with an overload of information.

Being subscribed to the blogs of Seth Godin, Chip and Dan Heath, Tim Ferriss, Ramit Sethi, Derek Sivers, Tony Robbins, noah kagan, Michael Hyatt, and Scott Adams to name a few off the top of my head.

Along with all the “useful” stuff that is shared by my friends when I log on my socials,

And the Medium newsletters and notifications from various other “useful” applications I own,

And then being bombarded with 200+ emails each day (from which a number are sharing some sort of “useful” content with me).

It’s ridiculously hard to focus on what to consume and have the time to consume all that you feel you should.

The next email seems like it could be that silver bullet. The email with the “How to solve all problems you are currently facing right now”, and off I go on a bloody tangent.

It had reached a breaking point for me today. Some kind of freakish addiction to information. I found myself like how I would picture a drug addict at his worst — having a YouTube video playing through my headphones trying to digest that information while reading and doing my work at the same time.

I can’t take it anymore, this is ridiculous.

The more information I consume — the more unproductive I become, the more self-loathing I become, the more unfocused I become, and moreover, it is staring to make me really uneasy.

Maybe it is just me. But I thought information was supposed to have the opposite effect?

Pre-internet days I think it did.

When I went to a library, or sought out information through whatever other channels that existed. It made me excited, it gave me energy, I found a purpose. And I was enthused to know more.

Information was directional and it was actionable.

Today I have no idea what direction the information I consume is taking me. Nor do I action much of it. It just isn’t physically possible.

I have looked deep within, and realised, I have given into the FOMO (fear of missing out).

  • If I don’t read this next email from Seth Godin, I may not learn his new trick about marketing.
  • If I don’t read this next email sent by Ramit Sethi, I may miss out on a secret of copywriting.
  • If I don’t read the next post from Tony Robbins, Tim Ferris, Scott Adams, Noah Kagan, Derek Sivers, and whatever other expert, I could be living in a way that isn’t as productive, or effective, as I could be.

I’m in the grips of FOMO. So I MUST read that next email. So I MUST watch that next video. So I MUST listen to that next podcast, and buy that next book or course.

No more. Sorry.

That’s it. I’ve had enough.

Because if I am doing things out of fear, and not out of love. I don’t want to do them.

If I am consuming information that has no direction, that is making me anxious, that is sprayed all over the place, and do it just so I don’t miss out on something valuable. That’s fine, I think it is time I let myself miss out.

This applies to my rampant need to check WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and the other dopamine hits disguised as notifications.

Guess I needed this post, for myself.

I realise I need to set myself a clear direction, and one directly only, and put on my blinders. Consuming only information that I can use to keep moving along this path. And it isn’t some widespread path with multi-faceted destinations. It is a strict straight crystal clear unwavering path.

And whatever is a possible deviation from it, well unfortunately, I don’t need it. I guess this is the kind of resolutions addicts have to make.

Sorry FOMO, I am not strong enough, and this is the only way I can handle you.


Previous popular post — if this is on your path I do hope you take the time to read it. I put my heart into it. If not, don’t even dare.



Jasky Singh

Start-ups and Stand-Up. Running business by day, making people laugh by night. E: