No One Will Ever Care More About Your Success Than You

Christopher D. Connors
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2016


2016 has been a year of big strides for me — I hope it has for you, too. Things I dreamt about, planned and talked about have finally begun to take shape. Distilling all of this energy and action down to one simple conclusion, I think of things like this: After many years of procrastination, lying to myself and giving in to fear, I finally mustered up the courage to act.

I decided with great conviction at the beginning of this year to put my passions and talents out there and embrace who I am. I keep taking steps forward, sometimes small ones, at times big ones, and despite minor interruptions and distractions, I continue moving toward a life of accomplishment and self-satisfaction.

I’ve needed to do a lot of soul-searching, planning, thinking and answering very difficult questions. I’ve dealt with adversity and emotional pain. But it’s all made me stronger. Through these trials, tribulations, successes and moments of epiphany, one simple truth has become even clearer to me: I care the most about my success — and no one else will ever come close.

This may sound self-serving, it may sound naive and gosh, it may even sound cliché. You might be thinking: You’ve only just figured that out now?!


We can know things in advance of experiencing them. For instance, I don’t need to experience running onto the interstate during the PM drive to know that what I know in advance (it’s a terrible idea) is in fact the truth. I might get killed. There’s simply no value in doing that.

As sound as that knowledge is, when we think about far less dangerous ventures, albeit ones that also involve high-levels of risk, we cannot live with a “Poor Thinker’s mindset.” In other words, if we think we’ll never do great things, then it’s as sure as 1+1 = 2 that we will not. We’ll never even act. Finding personal fulfillment and joy from our life’s work requires risk!

To risk is to live.

When we are brave enough to act, put things in motion and keep them moving, we begin to realize the pursuit of a life that we’ve imagined is worth living, is in fact, worth living. Assuming we give maximum attitude and effort and we plan things out intelligently and thoughtfully, the best bet in life is always the one we place on ourselves.

It’s experience that backs up our “bet” — or words. It’s living in the moment that gives meaning to everything. Thomas Paine once wrote:

“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”

Prove Things to Yourself

“In this life, you don’t have to prove nothin’ to nobody but yourself.” — Charles S. Dutton’s character, Fortune, from the movie, Rudy

At some point, all of your ideas, plans, goals, output and time spent needs to add up to results. FIRST, for yourself. Prove things to yourself. Then, your results should create value. Value for others. Value that enriches the lives of other people and shows genuine creativity and love for why you did what you did.

The best use of your time in life will first, be spent with family and loved ones, truly enjoying those moments and savoring them. I think about that each time I’m with my parents, wife, son, brothers and close friends — the people I love. I savor those times and embed those memories into my mind. They mean everything to me, so I always make time for these occasions.

The second best use of your time will be pursuing the dreams that have been planted in your heart — doing the work and creating whatever it was you were put here to design. Finding yourself is the beginning of the journey. Through faith, hope and perseverance you’ll continue on your journey toward discovering your purpose, which is your unique why that only you — now and forever — have been given.

Your Opportunity

You have the opportunity to blend your unique talent with enthusiasm, spirit and moxie, creating things and helping others, like no one else ever has in history. There’s a tremendous amount of power in that. There’s pride in that. It’s a lot of responsibility, and equal parts exciting and exhilarating. I can assure you — you need to desire and want this more than anyone else.

Success, however you personally define it, will always require that you care and that you work harder, smarter and more efficiently than anyone else. Even when the value that you create is for others. This mentality of desire is absolutely imperative for continuing on the path of creating beautiful work and delivering value of exceptional quality to whomever you wish to give.

This is your gift, to do with what you choose. If you’re willing to activate this and act upon it, you will see remarkable results, you will affect the world with love, positivity and value, and your life and those around you will forever be changed for the better. But you have to want it. You have to want it more than anything else you’ve ever wanted in your life. More than anyone else ever will.

Take it to the Next Level

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