One Question You Need to Ask Yourself Every Morning to Have a Happier, More Successful Day

Elle Kaplan


It’s no secret that success comes from hard work, determination, and more hard work. But research also shows another key contributor to setting yourself up for success: a positive attitude.

So how do you pull that off during those stressful days filled with hard work?

By asking yourself one simple question each and every morning, you’ll set the stage for a day full of increased productivity, and dare I say it, even more happiness. And isn’t that the true measure of success?

So you’re probably wondering, what’s the question? Here it is:

Start off each and every morning by asking yourself if the world is inherently good or bad.

None other than the late Muhammad Ali once said, “It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”

By telling yourself that everything is indeed good, you’ll reap the substantial benefits that come along with the power of positive thinking.

Read on to find out exactly how:

Choosing to Live in a Good World

Why should it matter whether or not you think you live in a good or bad world? For starters, it helps to put things into perspective. When you internalize every roadblock or mistake as a reflection of the broader world, you’ll end up interpreting more and more things as negative events. But when you look at things positively, you’ll enjoy your day more.

Plus, the people around you can sense your attitude as well. From the barista taking your drink order to the client you’re meeting at the coffee shop, people are either drawn or repelled to you based on your outlook on life. Marilyn Suttle, president of Suttle Enterprises, says, “When you give appreciation in order to get something, it’s manipulation and people can sense it. Appreciate genuinely.”

Get into this habit by waking up in the morning and saying what you’re looking forward to that day. In the evening, consciously think about what you are grateful for from the day’s events. Once you get into the practice of being truly grateful for what you have, you’ll naturally attract more success to your life.

The Infectious Quality of Positive Thinking

Not only can positive thinking influence your own attitude, it also exudes to those around you. Look no further than real estate mogul and Shark Tank investor Barbara Corcoran to see the importance of both your own positivity and that of those around you. She says of her former company The Corcoran Group:

“I built the business exactly the way my mother built and ran her family. I wanted a replication of the big, happy family I grew up in. I wanted happy people having fun.”

The result? Barbara created New York City’s largest real estate company that she sold for a whopping $66 million in 2001. Even more compelling is a 2015 study from the University of Warwick, which found that happy employees are 12% more productive, while unhappy employees are 10% less productive at work. Building a positive work environment makes people want to be there and work hard for you every single day.

Be Happy, Stay Healthy

Positive thinking also has the ability to increase your overall health. According to the Mayo Clinic, a good attitude is proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. You’re even more likely to live longer! And if you’re having trouble kicking a grumpy attitude, just add a little physical activity to your morning routine. You don’t have to go on a 5-mile jog; instead, take a quick walk outside to clear your brain or go to a low impact yoga class right after work. Even just a few minutes of activity increases your brain’s endorphins, which naturally make you feel good.

You might think that people are naturally predisposed to have either a positive or negative outlook on life. But you can choose the way you view the world. Wake up in the morning and make a conscious decision to see the good side of everything that happens to you. It might take a few days to retrain your attitude, but after being diligent in reminding yourself of the power of positive thinking, you’ll begin to automatically find the good in every situation. And from there, success will easily find you.

Have you found any ways to make your day more positive and successful? Give me a shout!

If you enjoyed this piece, check out my other articles in Inc. Magazine and my latest project, Love The Hustle.



Elle Kaplan

CEO/Founder of LexION Capital & CIO of Elle Capital. Self-Made Entrepreneur, Financial Expert & Dreamer. Visit to learn more.