Raw Emotion Is The Only Thing That Matters: Here’s What To Do.

Tim Denning
Published in
6 min readDec 6, 2017


I’ve been on the road this week talking about the power of creating content and sharing your story with the world.

I’ve been consistently asked how I am able to reach millions of people every single month. I’ve seen my audience triple this year.

It all comes down to this:

It’s raw emotion.

That’s it.

People go crazy for what I do because I express my raw emotion about life and about business. I don’t allow anyone to tell me what to say or how to behave. No matter what the feedback is on my content, I always treat people with respect.

Respecting the game is crucial.

We all take success and online engagement for granted. As soon as people get a few thousand followers, their success goes to their head.

They stop responding to comments.
They stop responding to emails.
They stop answering phone calls.

Not me — ever!

Replying to comments, emails and taking a phone call here and there, is how you respect the people who have given you their time (their most valuable asset).

“Respect combined with putting raw emotion into everything you do will see your life transform”

How do you unleash raw emotion?

Simple: you have to get into state.

You have to get yourself into a frame of mind where you come face to face with the fact that your life is short. Tim Ferriss introduced me to a cool tool for your internet browser called the Death Clock.

Every time you open a new tab, it shows you on average, based on your age, how long you have left to live.

Don’t hold back any longer.

Once you come face to face with your mortality, you stop holding back. People’s opinions go out the window and all you focus on is giving everything you have. From this place, you can deliver raw emotion.

I walked out of the gym yesterday and someone died right in front of me. That could have been me if I left just a few seconds earlier. So if I wasn’t here to type these words, would I be satisfied? The answer is no freaking way.

I still have so much more to give and that’s what motivates me to go all in and deliver raw emotion with everything I do.

12 months ago, a leader I used to work with asked me to give a motivational speech to her team and share my story. I said no because my public speaking skills sucked. Now I’ve started to get much better at speaking. On Monday morning, I’m emailing her to say that I will give that speech.

No more holding back. The game of life is real.

It takes courage to deliver raw emotion.

Standing up on stage and sharing your story, or writing a blog post about your deepest, darkest fears is tough. Delivering raw emotion requires you to be incredibly vulnerable. You have to be okay with having 50% of people dislike you or ignore what you have to say.

“Delivering raw emotion is not about reaching everyone; it’s about reaching a few people who can then be inspired by what you do”

Raw emotion without action is useless.

The only reason you want to deliver raw emotion is so you can inspire people. By inspiring people, you can get them to trust you and take action. Raw emotion allows you to get people to do stuff they never thought was possible.

Tony Robbins got in my face when I went to his seminar four years ago and he did that through raw emotion. He told his very personal family story and then showed me how anyone, from anywhere, can take their life to the next level.

If Tony didn’t share the full story or shared someone else’s story, I’m not sure the message would have stuck in my distracted little brain. It took raw emotion to get me out of my head and help me see my life for what it was. That life, by the way, was garbage and was based on my own selfish desires and an endless pursuit of money.

You feel different when you deliver raw emotion.

When I deliver a piece of content in words, video or speech that has raw emotion, I feel different. I feel that I have given it my all and I know I’ve pushed myself beyond my comfort zone. That’s because delivering raw emotion is uncomfortable no matter how many times you do it.

The thing is that when you don’t deliver raw emotion, you fall for one of the following:

– Copying someone else
– Holding back
– Being overcome by fear
– Feeling you didn’t give 110%

These feelings suck big time. You may as well do nothing if you aren’t going to give your pursuits in life a good crack. Go big, or stay home and think about your life properly.

Raw emotion is infectious. Stop working so damn hard!

I feel like right now, for the first time in my life, I’ve become a magnet for all the people I want to have in my life.

I no longer have to work my ass off to influence people or pitch them my ideas. People come to me.

Not because I’m so special but because I deliver raw emotion. I tell the whole story and I don’t hold back. I used to have to reach out to people a lot and have these big paragraphs in my emails about all my achievements and the people I know.

Now I just link to my work that has raw emotion and what I say does the convincing / selling for me.

“This is me, and if you like it, then we should talk.”

That’s what I say in my head. There’s no BS sales pages or template emails. You can’t grab another one of me off the shelf and then copy and paste me.

The raw emotion I deliver is inside of me. You can see it in my eyes. You can see it in the way I stand. You can even see it in the words I type.

So what now Mr. Tim?

Well, I’ve told you the power of raw emotion. I’ve made it clear what it’s done to my life. I’ve explained how you can do the same.

Now it comes down to action. Action is the thing that people always tell themselves they will do but often never do. If you like the sound of what I’ve said about raw emotion sailor, then you need to try it for yourself. Test it out for a week and see what I mean.

Watch people look at you as an authority figure. See people’s reactions. Most of all, notice how you feel differently. Your whole life is put into perspective when you stop holding back and deliver the value you have inside of you with raw emotion.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, then build up the courage inside of you to deliver raw emotion.

Raw emotion is where it’s at. It’s the secret to how all of the people you are inspired by get to do what they love and reach lots of people.

Now it’s action time.

Originally posted on Addicted2Success.com

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Tim Denning

Aussie Blogger with 1B+ views that made me 7-figures — Get my free email course: https://timdenning.com/1k-mb