Seven iPhone Wallpapers That Will Make You Put Your iPhone Down

Increase focus with inspirational messages and thinly veiled threats.

Jessica Guzik


In an effort to curb my Tinder-I-mean-Medium addiction, I recently made several changes to my iPhone setup. Two iPhone setup strategies failed miserably. The third — and least technical — worked like a charm. It cut my screen time in half and even helped me break the ice with a cute guy at a party. I’m telling you, productivity tactics are the new wingmen.

Learn from my mistakes and emulate my successes:

Strategic Disorganization

First, I followed Tony Stubblebine’s advice to put tempting apps out of sight. I shoved all my apps into folders and shoved all the folders to the last page of my home screen. I improved upon this tactic’s efficacy by stuffing apps in folders willy-nilly. The Social Media folder did not contain social media apps, but instead a melange of apps I use to pay for public transportation, order Indian food, and track my menstrual cycle. Fooled you, brain!

At first, this method of disorganizing forced me to search for apps instead of opening them out of habit. That was the point. But it only took a few days for my lazy, cunning brain to memorize the combination of finger taps and swipes…

