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Social Media 102: After you read this article, I want you to stop learning…

Dakota Shane Nunley
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2016


Below, I’ve compiled 34 of some of the best social media resources for 8 different social channels. These resources are designed to be all you need to get started, grow your audience, and carve out a niche on your preferred social media platform.

In short, these resources contain nearly all you need to know about social media. Channel by channel.

Why? Because the rest of the information you should be learning on your own. Without action, all of the accessibility, opportunity, and resources our connected world has to offer will be nothing more than a distraction.

When it comes to social media, people learn way too much.

With an endless supply of information online, it’s easier than ever to read and consume content without making your own. This pitfall can be applied across a number of industries, but I can only speak for my own.

I’ve seen this time and time again. It bugs me. A lot.

Maybe it bugs me so much because only a year ago I was in the exact same position, doing the exact same thing. Reading every book I could get my hands on. Listening to every single podcast my smartphone could download. Taking every Udemy course my paycheck would allow me to take.

Frankly, I was doing everything except doing. It’s a problem many of us have.

When I finally decided to throw myself in with the sharks and post to Medium, start a business, etc., I quickly wondered why it had taken me so long to contribute to the conversation.

I know tons of people are in the same position. I see it all the time.

So here is a challenge that I want all of you reading to partake in…

The #StopLearning Challenge:

Image Credit: George Becker
  1. Read any or all of the resources listed below for your social channel of choice.
  2. After you’re done, DO NOT consume ANY other social media marketing & marketing content for at least 7 days. Only learn through your own experience. That’s right; no Medium, no blogs, no YouTube tutorials, no ebooks.
  3. Optional: Share the #StopLearning on social media so others can benefit!
  4. Optional: After 7 days, shoot me an email at with your results. I’d love to hear your experience, whether good or bad!

Starting a company is like throwing yourself off the cliff and assembling an airplane on the way down. -Reid Hoffman, Co-founder of LinkedIn.

The same can be said for anything you start. A social media page. A Meetup group. A newsletter.

Whatever it is, just do it! Get it over with. Jump into the damn pool already. There’s only one way to find out if you’re a good swimmer or not.

Remember this:

“Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.” -C.S. Lewis

Have a great rest of the day! I hope to hear from you soon with your responses on the #StopLearning Challenge :)



Dakota Shane Nunley

Content Strategy Mgr @ Udacity | 180+ articles published on Inc. & Forbes | Author | I help brands tell their stories to drive big results.