Subscribe to the IT Visionaries Podcast!

Chad Grills
Published in
4 min readAug 20, 2018


Our beautiful cover art for IT Visionaries!

What follows is a quick story to help convey why I’m sorry I’m not sorry for asking you to subscribe and download our new podcast called IT Visionaries.

In a small way, I hope this story makes you smile and compensates you for the 2 minutes it would take to subscribe and download IT Visionaries. 😄

A short story for you to help explain why I can’t help but make this (crazy) ask

The first time I got an “approval” from Apple, my fiancé (now wife) and I were in the airport.

We had submitted our first entertainment app to the Apple App Store, and hadn’t heard back. Meanwhile, we were scheduled to go on a family vacation.

We went on the family vacation, and the entire time I kept wondering… is it going to get approved? When will it get approved? What if it doesn’t get approved?

For the entire vacation, I was waiting in suspense.

Finally, on the way home in the airport with our family, I got a notification on my phone.

“Hallelujah! It got accepted and it’s live,” I said.

“Awesome,” said my wife. “Let’s download it.”

“Should we download it, too?” Asked my cousins.

“Yes!! That would be great,” I said.

At this point, I had already downloaded the app and left a rating and review. In the first 24 hour window after something goes live on the Apple App or Podcast store, it’s really, really important to get as many subscribers and downloads as possible!

By now, I was walking away from my wife and family who were all excitedly downloading our new app.

“Wait! Where are you going?!” Asked my wife.

“I’m going to get other people to download it!” I said.

“You mean complete strangers?!” She looked at me like I was joking.

“Yeah, we need a bunch of downloads as quickly as possible,” I said.

My wife and family looked on, semi-mortified.

But that’s what I do.

I create awesome things that I’m proud of.

And then I sell them.

I can’t help it, and I’m sorry I’m not sorry.

I will approach strangers on the street, and I will approach confused families in an airport because I know which ones are armed with a slew of iPhones.

Fun sidenote: Stephanie (my wife) was soon up with me running around the airport as we made our cold outreach campaign.

I will ask strangers to download the new (and FREE!) thing I made. And I will get an incredible amount of: “Sure!” “Uh… you’re serious? Okay I guess.” Or “Um… okay I guess I’ll check it out.”

And I will stand and smile while I wait for them to pull out their phones and download, or pretend to download. I respect both of those hustles! 😂

I will also continue to smile (and oblige!) when confused parents ask me to leave them alone.

No big deal!

But what IS A BIG DEAL…

Is the launch of the IT Visionaries podcast that our WORLD CLASS team of creatives at The Mission built. We’re thrilled about the podcast, and we are stoked to have the Salesforce Lightning platform (and their amazing team) as our exclusive sponsors.

IT Visionaries features conversations and actionable insights about the future of tech and leadership with Fortune 100 CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, and up and coming CEOs of venture backed technology companies that are building the future.

So everyone, I hope my short story made you crack a smile. But what I also hope…

Is that it inspires you to subscribe and download every episode of IT Visionaries!

And if you’re having an especially blessed Monday, I wouldn’t mind if you shared this post with a few dozen friends. 😄

Just look at this awesome, custom illustrated cover art we made… for YOU!

But seriously, please share this with your friends.

And subscribe to IT Visionaries 🤭

I’ll shut up now 🙂

