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Success is Proportional to the Amount of Pain and Work You Can Tolerate

Success is achieved when you meet the efficient version of yourself.


Most people desire to improve their lives.

They desire for a greater story than what they are currently living. They desire for a comfortable life. They desire to live each day based on their own terms.

They have that fire waiting to be rekindled by their action and passion.

But only a few get to see that light due to fear of trying and failing.


A four-letter word that can paralyze any of us.

It’s an abstract idea. Yet, powerful enough to freeze us to action.

You can achieve your dream if you are willing to open the door of possibility.

In a world of imagination where everything seems perfect, it’s easy to chase those dreams. Fear of criticisms and failure do not bog you down. Exhaustion and lack of discipline never haunt you. Hard work and persistence are not required.

But this world never exists.

To get to the point where you want, you must be willing to take the first step of your journey.



Kaye Ramos

Sharing things that Matter and Deliver. I aim to inspire you through my writing.