The 101 Best Podcasts for 2019

Discover the Best Podcasts in the World

46 min readMar 5, 2018


What if every day, when you’re commuting, running, doing the dishes, working out…

You were getting smarter?

And what if that new knowledge allowed you to increase your health, wealth, and wisdom?

The best podcasts in the world will help you do just that. But with hundreds of thousands of emerging podcasts, and a podcast industry that is in the process of doubling in size…

It’s harder than ever to find the BEST podcasts for 2019.

Thanks to our amazing team at The Mission, we’ve done the hard work and curated this epic list of the best podcasts in the world. No matter what your interests or goals are, you’ll find the podcasts here to help you live a healthier, wealthier, and wiser life.

Editor’s note: these are not rankings. Browse, listen, bookmark and enjoy!

The Mission Daily by The Mission (iTunes)

As a wise woman once said (just kidding, not sure who said it!), if you don’t cheer for yourself, no one will!

The Mission Daily is a podcast dedicated to accelerated learning and helping you become healthier, wealthier, and wiser.

The world is changing faster than ever. Researchers estimate that technology and automation will replace half of existing jobs over the next decade. Crazy dictators are trying to start wars, there’s poverty, suffering… Humanity isn’t a multi-planetary species yet…

It seems like there have never been more challenges facing humanity.

So how can we evolve, escape, and overcome?!?

Learn. As fast as we can.

That’s what this podcast is here to help you do.

Subscribe to The Mission Daily today, and we guarantee you’ll see positive improvements in your life!

The Story by The Mission (iTunes & Google Play)

In The Mission’s podcast, The Story, you’ll discover the unknown backstories of trailblazers who changed the world!

You’ll learn fascinating stories and actionable insights from the most courageous and successful people throughout history.

Subscribe today on iTunes or Google Play and please leave a rating & review to let us know what you think.

Click to Tweet a surprise piece of the story from Episode 1!

IT Visionaries

IT Visionaries is your #1 source for actionable insights, lessons learned, and exclusive interviews with trailblazing IT leaders.

IT Visionaries is on a mission to discover the technological future at the frontiers of every industry, and then bring that information to you in a way that’s easy to implement.

Each episode is packed with value, stories, and trends — all directly from leaders on the frontlines of technological innovation.

Whether our guest is a Fortune 100 CEO/CTO/CIO, or a founder of a venture-backed technical startup, you’ll hear stories that you won’t find anywhere else…

Subscribe to IT Visionaries today and prepare to start living in the future

Marketing Trends

Themes: Marketing, Business, Technology,

The average tenure of the CMO is the shortest in the C-Suite, and it’s getting shorter. Marketing is changing faster than ever and the best marketers are creating new strategies to win in the future.

The Marketing Trends podcast is designed to share the best practices from CMOs and marketing leaders on the front lines.

If you are a marketer looking to stay at the forefront of innovation, this is the podcast for you.

You can subscribe to the Marketing Trends weekly newsletter here.

You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Spotify.

a16z Podcast

Themes: Tech News, Business, Cultural Trends

“As software eats the world” a16z discusses industry trends, emerging tech, new brands, and evolving culture. If you want to stay on top of the news that really matters, then this is a podcast you must check out.

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Platforming the Future -

Transformative change and disruption come standard in the tech community these days. Even though history may not repeat, it certainly does rhyme. In this podcast episode hot off the presses, you have a thoughtful VC from Andreessen Horowitz, Benedict Evans, chopping it up with Tim O’Reilly who founded O’Reilly Media. Together, they talk about “technologies that are perhaps more transformative than any we’ve seen before — and how we think about the capabilities they might have that we haven’t yet even considered”.

Software Programs the World-

This episode dives into the past and current technology shifts, platforms and tech trends they find most exciting, and touches on everything from A.I., machine learning, quantum computing, hardware, and more! Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz even share one piece of advice that they think all great founders should know.

Found my Fitness

Themes: Health, Biology, Fitness, Research, Science, Well-being

Dr. Rhonda Patrick is my go-to trusted source for all things health. She is always up on the latest research on aging, physical performance, brain health, cancer, nutrition, and way more! In her podcast, Dr. Patrick breaks down the sometimes highly technical (and long!) studies and gives you the juicy details so that you don’t have to dive into the full research paper yourself.

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Dominic D’Agostino, Ph.D. on Modified Atkins Diet, Ketosis, Supplemental Ketones and More-

With the ketogenic diet still trending strong, this was a great episode to dive into the science behind why it works!

Sulforaphane and Its Effects on Cancer, Mortality, Aging, Brain and Behavior, Heart Disease & More-

Two words... Broccoli sprouts.

The Knowledge Project

Themes: Business, Investing

“Master the best of what people have already figured out.” Run by one of the smartest blogs on the internet, Farnham Street, this podcast interviews some of the most remarkable people around the globe.

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Life Lessons from a Self-Made Billionaire: My Conversation with Ray Dalio -

Ray Dalio, the founder and owner of one of the biggest and most successful hedge funds of all time, just wrote an update to his book called Principles. He has used this framework for success for decades and is now sharing it with the world. He spoke to Farnham Street about it over the course of an hour. Radical Transparency is the name of the game, but it’s not for the faint of heart.


Themes: Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Finance

“In this podcast, host Laura Shin talks with industry pioneers across tech, financial services, health care, government and other sectors about how the blockchain and cryptocurrency will open up new opportunities for incumbents, startups and everyday people to interact more efficiently, directly and globally.”

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Crypto 101: Everything You Need To Know About Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchains, ICOs, And More-

For someone who has been following the crypto space pretty closely, I still loved this “intro to crypto”-type episode and got some key nuggets of info that I didn’t know before listening!

Naval Ravikant On How Crypto Is Squeezing VCs, Hindering Regulators And Bringing Users Choice -

Naval is the CEO and Co-founder of AngelList, and has been an early investor in dozens of companies such as Twitter, Uber, Yammer, Stack Overflow, etc. With that kind of cred, let’s just say that we listen when he opines on any subject!

The Joe Rogan Experience

Themes: Comedy, Business, Society

Joe Rogan, whom you may know from the UFC days and some really gross eating contests on network television a few years back, has a podcast. He goes deep on a variety of topics with some of the most interesting peeps in the world. We love the variety of guests that come on his podcast, which usually result in deep, intellectual conversations that bring my world view to a new level.

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Andreas Antonopoulos -

In this nearly three-hour episode, Andreas Antonopoulos explains Bitcoin. Please note that this episode is nearly four years old, but the fundamentals of digital currency are still the same.

Whitney Cummings -

One of my favorite interviews with a woman who is so real, intellectual, successful, and funny!


Themes: Education, Life Lessons, Unconventional Thought

I first listened to Thaddeus’s podcast this spring when I saw a friend recommend it on Facebook. After listening to the first episode, I wasn’t overly impressed, so I abandoned it.

Now, it’s beyond me how I could ever think such a thing.

I rediscovered the podcast a few months ago… and cannot stop listening.

Thad doesn’t talk to the average podcast guest — he talks to people “that make him think.” In his two-hour-long interviews, he dissects the minds of yak farmers, prostitutes, comedians, porn stars, infamous writers, social critics, political activists… and pretty much anyone else society has outcasted or labeled “abnormal.”

Do I agree with everything he says or everything that is discussed? Nope… but isn’t that kind of the point?

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Episode 32: Moshe Kasher -

Sit down with Thad as he interviews stand-up comedian and actor Moshe Kasher. Moshe discusses his very unique childhood, his path to comedy, and his new book: Kasher in the Rye: The True Tale of a White Boy from Oakland Who Became a Drug Addict, Criminal, Mental Patient, and Then Turned 16.

Revisionist History

Themes: History, Storytelling

This is another podcast I picked up while fighting boredom on the treadmill. Malcolm Gladwell, author of bestseller Outliers, discusses the little-known histories that have created the world as we know it. Revisionist History addresses the people, things, ideas, and events that have been misrepresented, ignored, or completely forgotten.

“Sometimes, the past deserves a second chance,” and in this podcast, Malcolm grants it just that.

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Saigon, 1965 -

“Saigon, 1965 is the story of three people who got caught up in that effort: a young Vietnamese woman, a refugee from Nazi Germany, and a brilliant Russian émigré. All saw the same things. All reached different conclusions. The Pentagon effort, run by the Rand Corporation, was one of the most ambitious studies of enemy combatants ever conducted — and no one could agree on what it meant.”


Themes: Personal Stories, Life Lessons

We grow up with this idea that sharing deeply personal stories should be reserved for those closest to us or shouldn’t be shared at all. What a lonely world it is to not be able to connect with the strangers around you. Lea Thau seeks to change this by sharing people’s every day emotional stories.

Give just one episode a listen, and you will undoubtedly start to look at people differently.

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Wouldn’t It Be Nice and Isn’t It Nice -

At the beginning of 2017, Lea interviewed Jared. At the end of 2017, she interviewed Jared again. It is amazing how much life can change in just a year, and this heart-warming story is worth the listen.

Terence McKenna with Art Bell

Themes: Philosophy, Space and Time, Life and Culture

This is a little known series of four interviews hosted by Art Bell with the late philosopher and “technonaut” Terence McKenna recorded between 1997 and 1999.

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Terence McKenna with Art Bell: Timewave Zero -

Art Bell: “You have a theory about time. Time is one of my favorite all-time topics, so before we launch into what you think about time, tell me what you think time is. In other words, is time our invention, or is time a real thing…? I realize we’re measuring it, but in the cosmic scheme of things, is there really time?”

Terence McKenna: “Yeah, you give me a perfect entry to launch into this thing. See, in the west, we have inherited from Newton what is called the idea of pure duration, which is simply that time is sort of a place where things are placed so that they don’t all happen at once; in other words, it’s used as quality-less, it’s an abstraction. In fact, I think when we carry out a complete analysis of time, I think what we’re going to discover is that like matter, time is composed of elemental, discrete types. All matter, organic and inorganic matter, is composed of 104, 108 elements… there’s some argument. Time, on the other hand, is thought to be this featureless, qualityless medium, but as we experience it, as living, feeling creatures, time has qualities. There are times when everything seems to go right and times when everything seems to go wrong…”

The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

Themes: Psychology, Philosophy, Culture

It’s rare that an intellectual gains as much traction as Jordan B. Peterson has in recent months. A lot of the controversy surrounding Peterson isn’t deserved; people just don’t know how to react when someone can calmly voice their educated opinion.

Regardless of your predisposed view of Peterson, his podcast is worth tuning into and will make you think. He is in the middle of an interesting lecture series called, “Biblical Stories”, that analyzes, from an agnostic point of view, the significance of biblical figures.

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Modern Times — Camille Paglia -

Camille Paglia and Jordan B. Peterson discussing postmodernism is a treat you don’t want to miss. I’ll admit that I sometimes zone out when listening to a long podcast episode (who doesn’t?), but this interview had me intrigued every step of the way.

Seth Godin’s Startup School

Themes: Marketing, Business, Startups

Seth Godin is a marketing and business genius. His Startup School podcast follows him as he guides 30 young entrepreneurs through the process of starting up. The lessons he teaches to them can easily be generalized out to any new business owner or aspiring entrepreneur.

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Freelancer or Entrepreneur? -

This is the very first episode of the series and, as such, really helps set the stage for the rest of the podcast. In this episode, Seth discusses what it really means to run a business, and how strongly marketing correlates with business success.

StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson

Themes: Science, Space, Comedy, Culture

“Where science and pop-culture collide.”

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TV and the Evolution of American Culture with Norman Lear -

Norman Lear is the father of the sitcom as we know it. TV changed how people experience storytelling, and people like Lear played a heavy hand in shaping modern American culture.

The Art of Manliness

Themes: Philosophy, Life

A podcast that helps men become better men. (Don’t worry fellow ladies — there’s plenty you will enjoy from this, too.)

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Flow and The Rise of Superman with Steven Kotler-

You’ve likely heard of flow before. It’s the concept of extreme focus where time seems to slow down that lets normal human beings achieve superhuman abilities. It’s the Michael Jordan in Game 7 stuff, for instance. A science journalist named Steven Kotler wrote a book called The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance and in this episode of The Art of Manliness from three years back, the conversation explores how others have achieved flow not just for superhuman feats, but also to save their own lives. It describes how you, too, can achieve an optimal state of flow.

The James Altucher Show

Themes: Life, Business and Investing, Entrepreneurship

You more than likely already know who James Altucher is, so you can probably imagine why his podcast made this list.

He’s been at this whole podcasting thing for a while (in fact, he recently passed his 300th episode!) and truly hasn’t disappointed. He interviews some of the most fascinating — well-known and unknown — people out there.

If you are looking for a funny, inspiring, honest, and educational podcast, check out The James Altucher Show.

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Jeff Goins: Real Artists Don’t Starve -

Jeff Goins and James Altucher discuss a variety of topics — including wealth, artistry, creativity — but focus much of their interview on what it means to have a “professional mindset.” From the show notes:

“This is just my opinion, but I argue that what you want to be is not a starving artist… you want to be a thriving artist. That’s somebody who makes money so they can make more art,” Jeff said.

“I know people and you know people, James, who are writers, actors, creatives. They’re not getting picked by the system. They’re not world famous, but they’re thriving. They are making a living doing the kind of work that they believe in. I call that the New Renaissance.”

But then I asked him the big question…

HOW do you ask for money? Because a lot of people feel like they can’t.

“Charisma helps,” he said.

But ultimately, it came down to this: asking for money is a way of measuring how people value your art.

You’re just trading value. And sometimes, finding someone who sees the same value in your work is a challenge. That’s why there’s 5 steps in making art…

The GaryVee Audio Experience

Themes: Management, Marketing, Business, Entrepreneurship

GaryVee’s podcast episodes are like an adrenaline shot straight to your creative muscles. His podcasts will get you pumped up to work hard while providing you with valuable business advice in the process.

His podcast consists of a mixture of short “rants” and longer interviews, both of which are equally entertaining and worth the listen.

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The Airplane Project -

A 12-series rant about getting ahead in today’s world. Check out the introduction below.

Social Media Marketing Podcast

Themes: Marketing, Business

Survive the social media jungle with social media examiner Michael Stelzner by your side. Every episode, Michael invites an expert social media marketer, and together, they analyze a specific platform, strategy, or tool that can help you up your social media game.

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Live Video Strategy: How to Create a Show That Engages -

Learn about the different ways live video can be used to upgrade your marketing strategy.

Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria

Themes: Science, Culture

A place for interesting conversations with interesting people about interesting topics. Sound interesting?

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Caitlin Doughty on Death -

It’s an inevitability for us all. Steve Jobs called it life’s great change agent. The tick-tock of the biologic clock never stops. In this extremely interesting podcast where Cara Santa Maria brings heady science topics down to earth, she interviews a woman named Caitlin Doughty, a mortician who wrote a book called From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death. She’s disrupting death in the tattooed streets of LA.

Mike Rowe: The Way I Heard It

Themes: Storytelling, History

How can we not include this great man and great storyteller? Seriously, who can compete with this guy’s soothing, ironic voice? It’s like it was made for radio. A kind gentleman who takes his podcast seriously but doesn’t force you to listen to rambling episodes that are over an hour long. Some of these last only ten minutes. Now that’s what we call “efficiency of ear.”

In each episode, Mike covers a little known and short story about a famous person, event, or company. There is no doubt that these origin stories will surprise you.

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Size Matters -

“In a competition like this — every inch counts.”

The Guardian’s Science Weekly Podcast

Themes: Science, News

You are probably already familiar with the British news outlet called The Guardian, but what you might not know is that they also produce an awesome science-focused podcast. The Guardian’s Science Weekly takes an entertaining deep dive into the science that surrounds us.

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The potential of quantum computing -

In this wonderful episode, they explore the head-scratching world of Quantum Computing. What happens when a particle can be in multiple places at the same time, and what does that mean for apps of the future? There are implications for artificial intelligence, which makes it all the meatier for a deep listen.

How to Start a Startup

Themes: Business, News, Entrepreneurship, Startups

The best way to describe this podcast: How college lectures should have been.

With lectures from amazing folks like Marc Andreessen, Reid Hoffman, and Peter Thiel, this is a podcast you really don’t want to miss.

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Peter Thiel — Competition is for Losers -

Stuff You Should Know

Themes: Society, Science, Tech

From the HowStuffWorks team, this podcast explains how anything works. From police body cameras, to giraffes, to dictators, to porta potties… you name it, and they probably have an episode on it.

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How Junk Food Works -

We all crave some french fries and greasy fast food at times, but do we really know why we crave it or what those cravings might mean? In this episode, they explore how junk food works. Wait…whaaat? Yes, how it works. Listen in for more.

Marketing School with Neil Patel and Eric Siu

Themes: Marketing, Business

This is a podcast equally as valuable for an experienced marketer as it is for a blossoming entrepreneur. In short, consumable audio clips, Neil and Eric give you your daily dose of marketing know-how.

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The SEO Hack You’ve Never Optimized For -

Planet Money by NPR

Themes: Economics, Business

Having a firm grasp on economics is required in order to be an effective business owner. A team of co-hosts from NPR use fun, 20-minute anecdotes to teach us basic and complex economic topics. One of the problems with listening to podcasts is that they are easy to quickly consume… and then completely forget. With Planet Money, you won’t have that problem. Their stories are told in such an engaging way that they will stick in your head. And if the story sticks, then so does the economic lesson. :)

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Eagles vs. Chickens — From the description:

Will Harris took over his family’s industrial farm after he graduated from college. Harris was making a profit, just as his dad had. He was also farming just as his dad had: with pesticides in the field, hormone injections for the cattle, and whatever else squeezed more money out of his land.

Over time, though, Harris’s worldview changed. He started to see the downside to the industrial farming: his animals weren’t as healthy as they could be. His soil wasn’t as rich as the soil just over the fence, in the forest nearby. He wanted a different kind of farm, one that didn’t depend on chemical fertilizers or man-made interventions.

He went organic. He started making changes. To replace the chemical fertilizer, he brought in chickens and let them roam free. Free-range chickens would fertilize the grass; the grass would nurture the cattle, and shoppers at Whole Foods would love Harris’s organic beef. It was a great plan.

But then, the eagles started to descend on Harris’s farm. Eagles eat chicken. Eagles love chicken.

Today on the show, a farmer tries to live more in harmony with nature — and pays the price.

Waking Up with Sam Harris

Themes: Science, Health, Philosophy

There’s nothing like a neuroscientist’s study of the mind to delve into the philosophical underpinnings of this systemic universe we all inhabit. Sam Harris is a neuroscientist, philosopher, and best-selling author. He uses this mind-opening podcast to analyze society, discuss current events, and examine the human mind.

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The Nature of Consciousness -

In this key episode, Sam Harris speaks with Thomas Metzinger about “building conscious AI, the self as an hallucination, how we identify with our thoughts, attention as the root of the feeling of self,” and many other topics.

Girls Boss Radio

Themes: Business, Women, Culture, Life Lessons

Sophia Amoruso interviews some amazing women that range from CEOs to actors to angel investors. The interviews are always honest, vulnerable conversations that extract solid advice that they have learned on their journeys.

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Sara Christensen — As an angel investor and venture capitalist who has invested in companies like Uber, AirbnB, Snapchat, Spotify, and more, Sara has a lot of great insights for all listeners.

This American Life

Themes: Life, Storytelling

You can’t get anywhere near podcasts without running smack dab into This American Life. They’ve been at this whole podcasting thing for a while — since 1995 — and have tons of gems worth sharing. For a good place to get started, check out their list of faves.

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Switched at Birth -

This episode about two babies, switched at birth and sent home with the wrong families, will engage and intrigue you. Whether or not you’re a fan of the show, give this episode a shot. It’s likely you won’t be disappointed.

On Being with Krista Tippett

Themes: Society, Culture, Spirituality

We prefer to come at the topic of spirituality with a beginner’s mind and use it as a way for expanding our own understanding. This podcast isn’t really about religion; it’s more about what, if any, mechanics are underlying this existence of ours.

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Mary Catherine Bateson — Composing a Life -

In this episode of On Being, which explores the big questions of meaning with scientists and theologians, artists and teachers, the 70-year-old Mary Bateson describes the age of “active wisdom.” She sees longer life spans creating a new developmental stage for our species.


Themes: Economics, Business, Education

Hosted by Russ Roberts, a fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, this weekly podcast is our go-to for all things economics. Russ and his amazing guests dive deep into the economics that influences our daily lives. They discuss everything from book reviews and business cycles to free trade and health care. Economics is all around us, and if you want to better understand how that truth affects you, then this is a podcast you won’t want to miss.

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Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Rationality, Risk, and Skin in the Game -

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of Skin in the Game, talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the ideas in the book. This is the third episode of EconTalk with Taleb related to the general topic of skin in the game and how it affects decision-making and policy in an uncertain world. This episode focuses on rationality, religion, and the challenge of thinking about probability and risk correctly in a dynamic world.”

Burnt Toast

Themes: Food, History

A podcast for you food-loving intellectuals out there.

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The Worst Food in White House History -

The episode is about the one U.S. Presidential term that served such horrible food to thousands of guests over multiple years that, well, it got its own podcast episode. There’s also a revenge theory you need to hear to believe. Maybe it was all part of a grand design? You be the judge.

Nature Podcast

Themes: Science, News

The scientific journal of choice for scientists everywhere, Nature is the premiere place for emerging knowledge about the world we inhabit.

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A dwarf planet & DNA sequencing -

In this episode, they explore the link between genetics and grief, a dwarf planet eclipse, DNA sequencing and some recent news. A must-listen on a range of topics.

The Human Experience Podcast

Themes: Philosophy, Life

We thought it would be fitting to include in our list something that runs over the top of all of these topics, which is, of course, human experience. And wouldn’t you know it, a podcast exists of the same name.

From their description:

“This show gives our listeners ways to improve their lives. Our intention is to fuse the left and right hemispheres of your brain and give you the situational awareness of a combat-ready interstellar ninja.”

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Zach Leary on the everyday Grind, Futurism, Consciousness, Mysticism & so much more -

We like, fittingly, episode 99, which covers the daily grind, spirituality, futurism, mysticism and the like. Socio-cultural experiences and topics abound. What a great outro.

Philosophize This!

Themes: Philosophy, History

Truly one of the most interesting podcast concepts we’ve yet to come across. Philosophize This! works through Buddha, the Hellenistic Age, Descartes, and Leibniz. They’re names we haven’t heard since our undergraduate Philosophy course. With the hindsight of life experience and our own decades of writing, this stuff really starts to hit home.

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Episode #001 Presocratic Philosophy — Ionian -

Philosophize This! is a great podcast that anyone can enjoy, but they do push you. That’s why we recommend you start from the very beginning, where they break down Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle from an every-day life basis.

In Our Time by BBC

Theme: History

This podcast is about as long-running as they come, going all the way back to mid-2010. Unlike you might expect, BBC’s In Our Time is not recent-news-related. Rather, it discusses the self-proclaimed “history of ideas.” If you’re looking to learn during your morning commute or on a rainy Sunday afternoon, tune in, and let go.

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The Egyptian Book of the Dead -

We’re not talking about the version in The Mummy with Brendan Frasier. No, we’re talking the real deal here, folks. Learn what it is and how it was thought to help guide the Dead.

Money For the Rest of Us with J. David Stein

Themes: Economics, Investing

David Stein knows investing inside and out. Following a similar pattern to Planet Money, Stein uses fun stories to teach big-picture financial lessons. In his weekly episodes, he teaches you the skills you need to know to:

  • Save for retirement
  • Build an investment portfolio
  • And understand how money works

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Is Bitcoin Better At Money Than The Dollar? -

Bitcoin is all the craze right now and, as David explains, for good reason.

Food for Thought with Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

Themes: Food, Vegan Living, Healthy Living

Learn about “the joys and benefits of living compassionately and healthfully (in other words: vegan).” Even if you aren’t vegan, this podcast offers many great health tips and food facts.

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Masculinity and Meat: Re-Defining What Makes a “Real Man” -

Our bodies aren’t just a playground; they’re also our temples. And we only get one of them. So we should be very careful about what kind of gasoline we put in our high-performance vehicle. More studies are being released about the benefits of shifting toward a plant-based diet, but even if you agree, there is prevailing societal pressure for men to eat meat. In this episode of Food for Thought, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau explains why meat doesn’t make a real man.

Happiness Podcast By Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D.

Themes: Life, Happiness, Self-Help

What’s knowledge without a little fun for dessert? Life isn’t all hard work and struggle. Dr. Robert Puff has penned 13 books, hosted a TV program, and yes, got his PhD in happiness (ok, we made up that last part).

It’s important to find balance in obtaining knowledge for knowledge’s sake and delving deeper into replacing anger and sadness with happiness. Therapy doesn’t have to mean going to see someone in person. It’s really about understanding your own mind and what drives your actions and decision-making, all in service of you living a better, happier life. This is a great first step to taking the ultimate adventure into your innerverse.

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Happiness — Contentment, The Key to Ultimate Peace -

Jump right in and start with their most recent episode.

“When we realize that we ultimately lack nothing, the whole universe belongs to us.” Learn about the power of accepting where you are in life.

Civics 101 by NPR

Themes: Civics, Political Science

A relatively recent addition to the podcast family, this little gem started at the beginning of 2017. There’s been so much political turmoil in the world since the election last fall that sometimes, you might be scratching your head, wondering what makes all this stuff tick. How are cities and nation states governed? What is the Electoral College, and how did it come to be? What is a Political Action Committee (PAC), and how does the Federal Reserve work? Over the course of nearly 70 episodes, you’ll get a crash course in government, politics, intelligence agencies, elected officials’ roles in the government, lobbies, budgeting, speechwriting, and a host of other topics. Buckle up — it’s gonna be quite the intellectual ride.

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Episode 1: Chief of Staff -

To get the full value out of this podcast, we recommend you treat it like a class and start at the beginning. In this first episode, you’ll learn what the daily routine of the Chief of Staff looks like and what is required of him as the “president’s gatekeeper.”

Freakonomics Radio

Themes: Society, Culture

Economics is just the study of money and transactions, rolled up across an entire global economy. Freakonomics Radio is an award-winning podcast that packages up all things economics and delivers it in the most entertaining way possible.

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The Stupidest Thing You Can Do With Your Money -

In this episode, Freakonomics discusses the stupidest thing you can do with your money. If you’re trying to save for retirement or just invest, you’ve got to watch out for this thing because over both the short-term and long-term, it’s going to kill you.

The Secret To Success with CJ & Eric Thomas

Themes: Self-Help, Entrepreneurship

Eric Thomas went from being a homeless high school dropout to a CEO and Ph.D. I could explain it, but hear it from him yourself:

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Belt On A Shelf -

There will always be “something going on.” Learn how to prioritize your life and work so that these moments don’t keep you from reaching your dreams.

Love Your Work with David Kadavy

Themes: Business, Entrepreneurship, Careers

Love Your Work attempts to “crack the code for fulfilling work.”

If you…

  • are not sure what you want to do
  • need a little inspiration to power through a project you’ve already started (aka me)
  • or don’t know how to derive meaning from your work

… then give this one a listen.

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Emmy-award winning set designer for Bill Nye, Martha Stewart, & Snoop Dogg, James Pearse Connelly -

Being an entrepreneur often times requires you to balance your creative goals with those of your customers. Learn how James Pearse, innovative designer and TV set creator, balances his personal artistic vision with those of his clients — people like Snoop Dogg and Bill Nye.

Beyond the To-Do List with Erik Fisher

Themes: Productivity, Focus, Time Management

It has happened to the best of us. We write out our beautiful, long, color-coded, super organized to-do list… and then feel so accomplished from making the list that we… don’t. do. a. single.

thing. In Beyond the To-Do List, Erik Fisher hosts guests that explain productivity strategies that can really help you knock off those to-do items.

Start here:

Focus: Cal Newport on Distractions, Focus and Deep Work -

Cal Newport wrote Deep Work (one of our fave books) and absolutely kills it in this interview with Erik.

Self Made Man By Mike Dillard

Themes: Culture, Health, Life

From Mike’s bio:

“Hi, my name is Mike Dillard, and I’m grateful that our paths have crossed. My mission and my purpose is to empower those who want to change their life, and change the world for the better, with the knowledge and skills they need to do so.

“If you’re an entrepreneur, or want to become one, I believe I have some insights and experiences that can help you make an incredible impact in the lives of others.”

He will.

Start here:

How to Build a Massive Apparel Brand -

Great brands stand for something bigger than just their product. Learn how to take your brand to the next level with Chris Pfaff, the Founder of Young & Reckless apparel.

The Walk

Themes: Fiction, Storytelling

This is a different kind of podcast that falls into the category of “immersive fiction.” In The Walk, you are thrown into a thriller in which you are the hero. After an explosion destroys the train you were about to board, your life is turned upside down. Terrorists are after you, and the police don’t trust you. Now, you must band together with other escapees from the city… but are they who they say they are?

Start Here:

Your Mission

Since this is a story, it’s best that you start from the very beginning. :)

Slow Burn: A Podcast About Watergate

Theme: History

After its release, this quickly made it to the top of the iTunes podcast chart — and for good reason.

“You think you know the story, or maybe you don’t. But Watergate was stranger, wilder, and more exciting than you can imagine. What did it feel like to live through the scandal that brought down a president?”

Join Leon Neyfakh for an eight-episode podcast miniseries that tells the story of Watergate as it happened — and asks, if we were living through Watergate, would we know it?

Read the full introduction written by Leon Neyfakh

Start Here:

The beginning: Martha

Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

Themes: Society, Therapy, Psychology

Esther Perel’s Where Should We Begin? is a recent obsession of mine. Once you get over the fact that you are listening in on another couple’s therapy session, there’s actually a lot you can learn about relationships, effective communication, self-preservation, and why we do what we do.

It’s like Hallmark movie drama in real life… except a bit more sciencey and way less shallow.

Start Here:

Episode 1: I’ve Had Better -

After cheating ruined their relationship, a couple decides to seek help from Esther. They discuss love, trust, and communication. This is likely one of the most eye-opening podcast episodes about relationships that I’ve ever listened to. Highly recommend.

Atlanta Monster

Themes: History, Society

Another great podcast from the HowStuffWorks team, in collaboration with Tenderfoot TV. This podcast tells the true story of one of Atlanta’s darkest secrets… almost 40 years later.

Start Here:

Episode Zero: Missing Darron Glass


Themes: Personal Story, Storytelling

“S-Town is a new podcast from Serial and This American Life, hosted by Brian Reed, about a man named John who despises his Alabama town and decides to do something about it. He asks Brian to investigate the son of a wealthy family who’s allegedly been bragging that he got away with murder. But when someone else ends up dead, the search for the truth leads to a nasty feud, a hunt for hidden treasure, and an unearthing of the mysteries of one man’s life.” — iTunes

Start Here:

Chapter 1 — “If you keep your mouth shut, you’ll be surprised what you can learn.”

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History

Theme: History

At four to six hours a pop, Dan Carlin’s podcast is definitely hardcore. In these lecture-like episodes, he takes a deep, deep dive into a historical event or era.

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The Celtic Holocaust -

“Julius Caesar is our travel guide as he takes us through his murderous subjugation of the native Celtic tribal peoples of ancient Gaul. It sounds vaguely like other, recent European colonial conquests…until the natives nearly win.”

The Misfit Entrepreneur with Dave M. Lukas

Themes: Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Business

Join serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, as he discusses all things entrepreneurship with “misfits.”

Are you a misfit?

Start here:

The Art of Being Resilient and Never Giving Up with Roy Huff -

Roy Huff is a man of many interests. He has earned five degrees in four different disciplines, written a best-selling book, is a scientist at The University of Hawaii, teaches, blogs… you name it, Roy’s probably pursued it. In this episode of The Misfit Entrepreneur, learn about Roy’s life, careers, and impressive self-discipline.

American History Tellers

Themes: History, America

How well do you really know the stories that made America? Test your knowledge and give this one a listen.

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The Cold War — An Ideological War -

Two of the world’s greatest powers, the US and Soviet Union, come to a head over polarizing ideologies.

Ear Hustle

Themes: Personal Stories, Life

What’s life like inside prison? Ear Hustle brings you the stories from the people we’ve locked away. Perhaps most interesting about this podcast: It’s produced in collaboration with real folks living within the walls.

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Left Behind -

How do inmates with profoundly long sentences cope with their realities and maintain a sense of hope and well-being as the years pass?


Themes: Society, Culture

What really goes on inside a cult? Is it as bad as we imagine? Maybe better? Maybe worse? Check out this podcast to learn about cults throughout history… and the ones that still exist.

Start Here:

The Ant Hills Kids — Roch Theriault

Design Matters with Debbie Millman

Themes: Design, Art, Creativity

What are the industry-leading designers, artists, and writers up to? Debbie Millman finds out in her thought-provoking podcast, Design Matters.

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Brene Brown -

Debbie talks with renowned writer and speaker Brene Brown, author of Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the courage to Stand Alone.

Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Themes: Life, Happiness, Habits

Become HAPPIER with Gretchen Rubin. :)

Gretchen is the #1 bestselling author of The Happiness Project and Better Than Before. In this podcast, she gives you practical advice for how you can reframe your life to be happier.

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Little: A Happiness Reminder from E. B. White’s Masterpiece “Charlotte’s Web” -

A quick life lesson from the opening passage of Charlotte’s Web:

“Why did you do all this for me?” he asked. “I don’t deserve it. I’ve never done anything for you.”

“You have been my friend,” replied Charlotte. “That in itself is a tremendous thing.” — E.B. White

Stuff You Missed in History Class

Theme: History

Would you guess it?! This is another awesome podcast from the HowStuffWorks crew.

Stuff You Missed in History Class is hosted by Holly and Tracy. Together, they bring you some of the most outrageous and interesting stories from history. We guarantee you haven’t heard many of these crazy anecdotes. Be sure to check ’em out!

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Beer History with Erik Lars Myers -

Erik is the CEO of Mystery Brewing Company, and he joins the podcast to talk about something very fun and oddly complex… the history of beer!

Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman

Themes: Business, Entrepreneurship

In Masters of Scale, Reid Hoffman interviews some of the world’s top businessmen and women to figure out “how companies go from zero to a gazillion.” Guests have included legends of business like Eric Schmidt, Sara Blakely, and even Mark Zuckerberg.

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Netflix’s Reed Hastings in Culture Shock -

“CEO Reed Hastings has built an adaptive, high-performing culture at Netflix by being unabashedly upfront about who they are and who they aren’t. The company’s famous ‘culture deck’ offers a 100-slide description of how Netflix sees itself — not a “family” but a high-performing sports team. It won’t appeal to everyone — and that’s the point.”

Mixergy with Andrew Warner

Themes: Entrepreneurship, Business and Marketing

Andrew Warner has interviewed over a thousand entrepreneurs to see what makes them tick. For any aspiring business folk, this podcast is your “street smarts education.”

Start here:

How 50 Cent, KISS, and Aerosmith are using Messenger marketing -

Chatbots are getting better every day. Here’s how you can use them to up your business’s marketing strategy.

The Vanished

Themes: Storytelling, Crime, Mystery

This podcast is a bit harder to stomach but is no less important. There are nearly 100 episodes, all focused on the stories of missing persons. This stuff is real, and we can help.

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Mahfuza Rahman -

A quiet and kind young woman from New York went missing from her hospital job one day.

Sleep With Me

Themes: Storytelling, Sleep, Relax

Who says bedtime stories are just for kids? Got insomnia or just can’t sleep one night? Then pop Sleep With Me on the ol’ podcast app. This is the podcast you are supposed to fall asleep to.

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I Am The Llama That Knocks -

Talking to sheep about Marx and Engels…. Did we mention that these episodes get super odd? 😂

The Tony Robbins Podcast

Themes: Life, Health, Business

“Why live an ordinary life, when you can live an extraordinary one?” -Tony Robbins

Start Here:

Airbnb & The Art of Resilience: How a flexible strategy and strong perseverance built a $30B company


Themes: Stories, Crime

Criminal tells the stories of people who have done wrong, been wronged, or been stuck somewhere in the middle. Unlike their prison cells, these inmates’ stories aren’t black and white.

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The Editor -

“In November of 1988, Robin Woods was sentenced to sixteen years in the notoriously harsh Maryland Correctional Institution. In prison, Robin found himself using a dictionary to work his way through a book for the first time in his life. It was a Mario Puzo novel. While many inmates become highly educated during their incarceration, Robin became such a voracious and careful reader he was able to locate a factual error in Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Encyclopedia. He wrote a letter to the encyclopedia’s editor, beginning an intricate friendship that changed the lives of both men.”

Pardon My Take

Themes: Sports, News, Comedy

From the folks at Barstool Sports (if you don’t follow them on Insta, then you’re missing out) comes this fun sports podcast.

Start Here:

Jump right into whatever is their most recent episode.

Reply All

Themes: Tech, News

According to The Guardian, this is “‘a podcast about the internet’ that is actually an unfailingly original exploration of modern life and how to survive it.”

We agree.

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Underdog -

How did a dog go from near death at a shelter to becoming ‘Marnie the Dog’, one of the most well-known dogs on the internet? In this episode, the Reply All team dissects the formula for achieving internet dog fame.

The Rise of the Young Podcast

Themes: Entrepreneurship and Business

Hosted by 17-year-old Casey Adam, Rise of the Young showcases some of the most creative minds of this era and provides you with ideas for how you can transform your life and business.

Start Here:

Zack Wenger: How To Get One Million Views On Snapchat

Modern Love

Themes: Love, Society

On the Modern Love podcast, listeners share their personal stories of love, loss, and betrayal. It’s a soap opera for the ears.

Start Here:

Kept Together By The Bars Between Us -

“Cherry Jones, the Tony, Emmy, and Obie-Award winning actor, reads a story about a woman who falls in love with a convicted murderer.”

The Indicator

Themes: Business, Economics

This is a podcast by the Planet Money folks, and just from that descriptor, you already know it’s going to be good. :) The Indicator distills and then quickly delivers the business and economic stories that are important.

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Craft Beer Hops the Shark -

Learn about the boom and bust of the craft beer industry.

NPR’s TED Radio Hour

Themes: Technology, History, Inventions

This is a fun mash-up between two great knowledge and news-focused brands. The first, TED, made world famous for their highly intelligent and mind-stretching TED Talks. The other, a national resource that’s been giving the news straight as an arrow for well over a century. Together, you’re getting a little magic. Let the wisdom seep in and make you a tiny bit smarter, one hour at a time.

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Big Data Revolution -

Every detail of our lives can be tracked… Will this make life easier or more complicated?

WTF with Marc Maron

Themes: Comedy, Life

Comedian Marc Maron sits down with his guests to discuss the hardest question of life: WTF?

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Greta Gerwig -

Marc sits down with Greta Gerwig, writer and director of Lady Bird, to discuss life, work, and her story.

The Tim Ferriss Show

Themes: Life, Business and Investing, Radical Self-Discovery

Tim Ferriss is a self-proclaimed “human guinea-pig.” Through captivating storytelling, he shares his and others’ mind-boggling experiences in life, work, business, creation, and innovation. With nearly 300 episodes available, Tim has created a massive amount of valuable content, just waiting to satisfy your “earballs.”

Start here:

Lessons from Steve Jobs, Leonardo da Vinci, and Ben Franklin -

Two master learners talking about other master learners. Prepare to feel like a slacker… ;) In this episode, Tim interviews Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of The Aspen Institute and author of many biographies — his most recent being about Leonardo da Vinci. Walter shares little-known information about Leonardo’s personal life and explains his secrets to mastery. They also discuss some of history’s other famous innovators and the tools they used to learn so much so quickly.

The main takeaway from the episode: Don’t limit yourself through specialization. Embrace curiosity, seek the answers to many questions, and learn from everything that the world has to offer. Creativity happens at the intersection between different disciplines.

Jocko Podcast

Themes: Discipline, Leadership, Life

Jocko Willink is a retired Navy SEAL, so who better to teach you about discipline, leadership, and self-respect?

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With Tim Ferriss. Musashi, and How Warrior Way Relates to life -

I first heard of Jocko while he was guest hosting Tim Ferriss’s podcast, so I found it only fitting to first listen to Jocko’s podcast when he invited on Tim. Learn about Tim’s silent retreat and the life of The Samurai.

Dear Sugars

Themes: Life, Q&A

Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond are ‘The Sugars’. Together they will take on any of your questions, no matter how deep. Learn valuable life lessons from the struggles of others, or send your own questions in and let The Sugars guide you to a solution.

Start Here:

Cutting The Financial Cord With Dr. Kate Gale -

When should you cut the financial cord and let your ‘adult child’ stand on their own? In this episode, The Sugars answer two letters; one from a woman whose parents refuse to let her be financially independent and another from a father who is ready to cut off his son.

Stuff to Blow Your Mind

Themes: Science, History, and The Future

The creators of this podcast may blow your mind…. Yup, it’s another podcast from the HowStuffWorks team! From the description:

“Deep in the back of your mind, you’ve always had the feeling that there’s something strange about reality. There is. Join Robert and Joe as they examine neurological quandaries, cosmic mysteries, evolutionary marvels and our transhuman future…”

Start Here:

Tree of Life -

The ‘sacred tree’ is a recurring symbol in religion and mythology. Learn what it means and why it’s so popular.

Keto Answers Podcast

Themes: Health, Nutrition, Ketogenic Diet

This is the only keto podcast actually hosted by a doctor. Dr. Anthony Gustin is founder and CEO of, and in this podcast, he provides you with everything you need to know about going keto.

Start Here:

Superhuman Performance and Living Longer with the Low Carb Ketogenic Diet with Ryan Lowery -

How does the keto diet affect longevity? Join Ryan Lowery, author of The Ketogenic Bible, and Dr. Gustin as they dive deep into the massive health benefits of the ketogenic diet.

99% Invisible

Theme: Design and Architecture

There’s design in everything around us; we just don’t see 99% of it. This is a podcast about the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about.

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Ways of Hearing -

Digital has not only changed the way we experience sound… it’s also changed how we perceive time itself.

The Bill Simmons Podcast

Themes: Sports, Fitness, News

This is the most downloaded sports podcast of all time… and for good reason. Join Bill Simmons, from The Ringer and HBO, as he interviews a slew of celebs and athletes about sports.

Start Here:

Since they cover recent news, we recommend starting with the most recent episode.


Themes: Life, Storytelling

This is a very new podcast, but 100% worth being on your radar. Find out what happens when women break the unwritten rules.

Start Here:

How to Ride a Bicycle -

Cristen and Caroline investigate the complicated history of bicycles and catcalling.


Themes: Storytelling, Writing

What does it take to go from idea to published book? Launch follows John August as he tackles the complicated process of publishing his very first novel. If you’re ready to put your idea baby out into the world but aren’t sure what to expect, then this is the podcast for you.

Start Here:

A Boy in The Woods

To really get the full experience of John’s struggles and solutions, we recommend you start from the beginning.

How I Built This with Guy Raz

Themes: History, Business, Entrepreneurship

Hosted by renowned NPR journalist Guy Raz, How I Built This dives deep into the stories behind how some of most well-known companies were built.

Start Here:

LinkedIn: Reid Hoffman -

LinkedIn is by far the most well-known job and career networking site. Ever wonder how this monster of a company was built?

Learn how Reid Hoffman’s vision for the future of the Internet turned him into one the wealthiest figures in Silicon Valley and LinkedIn into one of the most useful career tools around.

Letters from War

Themes: History, Personal Stories

Learn the history of WWII as told through the personal letters exchanged between the Eyde brothers.

Start Here:

An Introduction

This is a very powerful story expressed through the love of brothers. You won’t want to miss a second of it. Start with the introduction.

The Future of Everything

Themes: Business, Tech, Future

How will future technology transform business and culture? In this podcast, Wall Street Journal reporters evaluate current affairs and try their hand at predicting… well… the future of everything.

Start Here:

Can Food Waste Save the World? -

Does the food we throw out every day have the potential to do more?

Nir and Far with Nir Eyal

Themes: Business and the Brain

Nir Eyal is the best-selling author of Hooked: How to Build Habit Forming Products. (Sidenote: If you haven’t given his a book a read yet, we highly recommend it! :D) In Nir and Far, Nir discusses how design influences customer behavior and analyzes how specific companies build habits.

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Infinite Scroll: The Web’s Slot Machine -

We used to “click and flick,” and now, we just scroll… and scroll… and scroll. Why did companies make the switch, and what is it about scrolling that keeps us hooked longer?

Bulletproof Radio

Themes: Life, Learning, Health, Fitness

From the iTunes description:

“Bulletproof Executive Radio was born out of a fifteen-year single-minded crusade to upgrade the human being using every available technology. It distills the knowledge of world-class MDs, biochemists, Olympic nutritionists, meditation experts, and more than $1M spent on personal self-experiments. From private brain EEG facilities hidden in a Canadian forest to remote monasteries in Tibet, from Silicon Valley to the Andes, high tech entrepreneur Dave Asprey used hacking techniques and tried everything himself, obsessively focused on discovering: What are the simplest things you can do to be better at everything?”

Start Here:

Vegetables, Coffee, & The Recipe To Make Alzheimer’s Optional: Dr. Steven Masley -

What better place to start with this podcast than an episode about defying disease naturally?

Still Processing

Themes: Society, Culture

Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham are culture writers for The New York Times. In their podcast, Still Processing, they dissect the latest in pop culture — movies, art, music, TV — and give you their take on what it means to be kickin’ in 2019.

Start Here:

We Sink Our Claws Into “Black Panther” with Ta-Nehisi Coates -

Black Panther is more than just a box office smash. In this episode, Wesley and Jenna discuss the cultural significance of the new hit with Ta-Nehisi Coates.


Themes: Personal Stories, Storytelling

Following a similar pattern to Strangers (mentioned above), Neighbors unveils the lives of those that you pass by every day. You have so much more in common with other people than you may think — and this podcast proves just that.

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The Genius Improviser -

Michael Kearney is the youngest person to have graduated from college… at just age ten. He is, by all definitions of the word, a genius. Yet, at age 32, he’s not off curing cancer or anything crazy. Instead, he runs an improv comedy club. Learn his story and why he’s made the choices he has.

Trap Nation

Theme: Music

Where podcasting meets music. Discover new and diverse “trap” music with Andre Benz, host of Trap Nation.

Start Here:

Undiscovered Hits -

They were undiscovered… then Andre introduced you.

20 Minute Fitness

Themes: Fitness, Health

20 Minute Fitness presents you with the latest news in health and fitness. In just twenty minutes, learn all you need to know about nutrition, developing an exercise routine, and keeping your body in tip top shape.

Start Here:

How to be Mentally Tough Like an Olympian -

A major part of meeting your health and fitness goals is being able to keep a level head and focus on what it is you wish to accomplish. How do professional athletes — folks with a lot riding on their athletic success — develop this mental toughness?

Welcome to Night Vale

Themes: Comedy, Storytelling, Fiction

Turn your lights out, tuck yourself in, and press play. Pretend you are citizen of the town of Night Vale and this is your local radio station…

Start Here:

Do as they recommend and start from whatever is the most current episode. You’ll catch on.

Channel 33

Themes: Culture, Entertainment

Channel 33 is a collection of shows put together by The Ringer. They discuss a range of topics, but tend to focus on entertainment and pop culture.

Start Here:

Why Stop-Motion Animation Takes Forever to Make, With Nick Park -

Stop-motion animation is one of the most time consuming storytelling methods. Learn how it’s made and why some filmmakers are still so committed to using it despite how tedious the work is.

Creating Disney Magic

Themes: Leadership, Business, and Customer Service

Lee Cockerell is the former Executive Vice President of Operations for Walt Disney World, so to say the least, he’s got a lot of valuable insights to share. Lucky for us, he started the Creating Disney Magic podcast to do just that. In this weekly podcast, Lee discusses lessons in leadership, management, and customer service that you can use to create ‘magic’ in your own organization.

Start Here:

Building a StoryBrand -

From the description:

“Nobody really cares about your story. Rather than hear your story, they want to be invited into a story where they can play the hero. Disney has excelled by inviting people into a story. But do you have to be Disney to create a story people want to be a part of? Of course not.”

Legends and Losers

Themes: Success, Life, Business

Most legends started as losers. Learn how awesome people like 4-Star General Stanley McChrystal, businesswoman Ann Muira-Ko, or angel investor Jason Calacanis dug themselves out of defeat to become well-known successes in their respective spaces.

Start Here:

Chris Voss: How To Negotiate With Terrorists, Businesspeople & Children -

Chris Voss is a former FBI negotiator and author of the book Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It. In this episode, he teaches us how to negotiate with anyone and always win.

The Advanced Selling Podcast

Themes: Selling, Business, Marketing

Bill Caskey and Bryan Neal are B2B sales trainers that 20 years of experience in the biz. In The Advanced Selling Podcast, they share their tricks, tips, and strategies that can grow your personal skills, build long term relationships with clients, improve your sales team, and much more!

Start Here:

Does Your Story Really Compel Anybody? -

Bill and Bryan discuss a three part framework that can help you build or rebuild your company’s story so that it is more compelling.

Binge Mode

Themes: Entertainment and Culture

In Binge Mode, The Ringer’s Mallory Rubin and Jason Concepcion dive deep into the topics they are currently obsessed with. This is a weekly podcast that often times introduces you to or gives you a better understanding of a range of topics.

Start Here:

Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams’ -

We love sci-fi, so of course we just had to mention this episode of Binge Mode. Join Mallory and Jason as they take on Philip K. Dick’s crazy cool work and the new TV show, Electric Dreams.


Themes: Culture and Impact

Akimbo is a symbol of strength and possibility. Very fittingly, it is also the name of Seth Godin’s new podcast. Learn how culture can be changed and how you can find the strength to make a difference.

Start Here:

This is a super new podcast, so why not just start with the first episode?


Themes: History, Scary Stories

Lore is a podcast about the scary stories that fuel for our everyday superstitions. If you like history and a little thrill then we recommend giving this one a listen.

Start Here:

A Grave Mistake -

The fear of death can drive people to do the unthinkable…


Themes: Storytelling, Thriller

This ‘experimental-fiction’ podcast follows the life of a caseworker as she attends to a mysterious military veteran. Quickly this story become a suspense-filled thriller that’s truly worth the listen.

Start Here:

Since this follows a story format, start at the very beginning.


Themes: Tech, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin

Epicenter is a weekly podcast that will keep you up to date on the latest news and developments in the world of cryptocurrency, bitcoin, and blockchain.

Start Here:

Andrew Trask: OpenMined — A Decentralised Artificial Intelligence Platform -

What do you get when you mix AI with blockchain with machine learning and then sprinkle in private user data? OpenMinded’s new platform.

The Rest of the Story

Themes: Storytelling and history

Paul Harvey, host of The Rest of the Story, is a storytelling whiz. In each episode of this well-known radio show, he takes just a few minutes to share unbelievable — yet, true — stories.

Start Here:

Actor on Death Row —

Find out which famous actor was recruited while on death row.

BONUS: The Story from The Mission

Our team at The Mission launched our new podcast, The Story. Season 1 celebrates Women’s History Month and features the unknown backstories of twelve women who changed the world. You can subscribe and get details about our launch giveaway here!

Any we missed?

Let us know in the comments below!

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