The 5 Leading-Edge Apps You Need To Know About Right Now

Geoff Pilkington
Published in
8 min readFeb 17, 2017


“What Important truth do very few people agree with you on?”

~ Peter Thiel, Zero to One

2017 is in motion. Apps are being launched. People are scrambling to find out what the new hot trend in the tech world is. For those who know me well, I follow this stuff. I keep tabs on what’s going on in the world of innovative futurist gizmos and gadgets. I love my iphone. Granted, Google is coming on strong. Apple will have their hands full within the next 5 years (they already do) though they are off to a decent start with the rumors of this Mysterious iphone X (iphone 8 ?) set to debut 2017 4th quarter. We’ll see. But just as much as I love my mac and my iphone, I love the applications product developers and tech geeks are constantly throwing our way. I always have a handful I’m playing with and thought I’d take a moment (or a Medium post) and share what 5 hot futuristic ones I’m playing with right now. Keep in mind these are not all “Productivity Apps” but also some apps that I find particularly creative, entertaining, or a novelty in some special way. But most importantly, I believe these apps all show glimmers / hints of what is ahead. Footprints to future frontiers in our world in a variety of realms. Back in November I wrote an article titled 12 Apps for a Fresh Start in 2017. The other day I figured since it is 2017 and all…



Geoff Pilkington

CEO of Launch Industries, Blogger, Podcast Host, Actor, Filmmaker, Futurist, Tech Enthusiast, Social Media Expert, and Content Creator. Personality Type: ENTP