The 5 reasons why I paid $5 for Medium membership

Jess Semaan
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2017

Despite my concerns with the poorly communicated membership launch, especially for writers, I went ahead and paid for Medium membership program, as a reader not a writer. Here is why.


I value good content. I rely on Medium for content. I pay for The NYTimes, and now Medium. And plan to keep paying for content platforms that add value to my life.


To g Medium a chance. See what the membership is about. Give the product time to get there. You see, I can always cancel.


I can afford it. I think of $5 as the price of a Mission San Francisco cup of coffee.


Support other writers. It sounds like Medium will be using the money to compensate writers. Hopefully, I get to support independent writers, poets, humorists.


I don’t want Medium to fail. I have been living in Silicon Valley long enough to know about the pressure venture capital money puts on start-ups, and how expensive it is to run a tech business. I see myself contributing to Medium staying alive, so we can keep enjoying the product and the community.

Would love to hear if you had paid or not paid and why.

I went ahead and created a Patreon page to support writing my first book. Be part of my journey to be a full-time writer, and publishing my first book, by giving as little as $1 a month. Be my patron. I am doing this. You are doing this. We are doing this.

