The Best Marvel Superheroes, Comics, and Stories

The Best, 2/21/18



4 min readFeb 21, 2018


The Best is our daily compilation of cool stuff we’ve found IRL and around the web. Every day we will share what we are reading, watching, listening to, doing, or pondering. If you have suggestions for what we should include in future segments, let us know in the comments below!

People weren’t designed to sit still for 8+ hours a day — it isn’t good for you physically or mentally. That’s why we’ve partnered with Fully to bring you today’s newsletter! Make your office more ‘human-friendly’ by turning it into an active workspace. 💪😎

The team at Fully is revolutionizing productivity in the workplace with their amazing standing desks, chairs, and office accessories. A huge thanks to Fully for sponsoring our newsletter and for supporting independent media like The Mission! We recently got some Fully gear at The Mission HQ, and we’ll be reporting back soon. Here is our early feedback and bottom line:

Explore incorporating comfort, different postures, and movement into your work routine. You will get more done. Science shows you’ll be far healthier if you do!

From standing desks to anti-fatigue mats to ‘active’ chairs, Fully’s got everything you need to revamp your office. Check ’em out.

“I used to be embarrassed because I was just a comic-book writer while other people were building bridges or going on to medical careers. And then I began to realize: entertainment is one of the most important things in people’s lives. Without it they might go off the deep end. I feel that if you’re able to entertain people, you’re doing a good thing.” — Stan Lee

Superheroes are our modern, American mythology. When executed well, superhero tales create an alternative universe that we embrace getting lost in.

Learn the ins and outs of great storytelling from Marvel Comics, one of the best superhero creators in the business…


Comics: The 75 Greatest Marvel Comics of All-Time

Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human by Grant Morrison

“…these heroes are powerful archetypes who reflect and predict the course of human existence: Through them we tell the story of ourselves.”

“Adults…struggle desperately with fiction, demanding constantly that it conform to the rules of everyday life. Adults foolishly demand to know how Superman can possibly fly, or how Batman can possibly run a multibillion-dollar business empire during the day and fight crime at night, when the answer is obvious even to the smallest child: because it’s not real.” ―Grant Morrison

Marvel Comics: The Untold Story by Sean Howe

Amazing Fantastic Incredible: A Marvelous Memoir by Stan Lee

Learn about the man, the myth, the legend… Stan Lee.

“In the beginning Marvel created the Bullpen and the Style. And the Bullpen was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the Artists. And the Spirit of Marvel said, Let there be The Fantasic Four. And there was The Fantasic Four. And Marvel saw The Fantasic Four. And it was good.” ―Stan Lee


This Week in Marvel

Woman of Marvel


Black Panther, of course!

Black Panther made history this weekend with the biggest February debut of all time. It’s grossed a whopping $426 million worldwide and is predicted to be one of the all-time top-10 grossing superhero releases.

Why did the film perform so well? It took true elements of culture and weaved them into an epic plot, creating an emotionally powerful and capturing story. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, we highly recommend it. It’s definitely worth the big screen watch!


Use a Blank Comic Book to write your own comic book! Fun for the whole family! :)

Questions, thoughts, suggestions? Holla at us in the comments below, or hit us up on Twitter or Instagram at @TheMissionHQ, with the #TheBest and we’ll try to help!

That’s it for today’s edition of The Best. We’ll be back tomorrow with more great content like this!

