Patrick Fallon / Reuters

The Formula That Leads to Wild Success- Part 3: Elon Musk

Christopher D. Connors
Published in
5 min readJul 1, 2016


People who back their ideas and opportunities with hard work, a positive attitude and faith are very successful. They’re the individuals we look up to and admire in society. They follow the unofficial winning formula of humanity, which they put into practice each day.

They have maximized their talent by believing in themselves, having the audacity to put themselves in the spotlight and outworking everyone while never, ever giving up. We choose people like these as role models to look up to and to inspire us. They serve as a baseline- a standard of greatness- for us to study and measure ourselves against.

Today is the third installment of my series on individuals, who in their own inimitable way, followed this formula to overwhelming greatness. Over the course of the next several weeks, I will showcase 10 individuals who have shattered the limits of expectation to re-define greatness. Up next, the remarkable success story of inventor, Elon Musk.

You can read Part 1 on Michael Jordan here and Part 2 on Oprah Winfrey here. Enjoy!

The Spirit That Drives Greatness

Innovation is the spirit- the engine- that drives true greatness and inspires the dreams of inventors all over the world. Elon Musk, of Space X and Tesla Motors fame, is the foremost innovator in modern times. Perhaps you’ve sent or received money via the online money transfer company that he co-founded, PayPal. You may not yet drive a Tesla but maybe you’ve benefited from solar energy that his company, SolarCity has produced.

Musk’s creations have possibly impacted you. If they haven’t already, they likely someday will. The 45-year old inventor and businessman remains at the forefront of digital and technological advancement in multiple businesses. The range of his ventures is staggering and it seems there isn’t a challenge he isn’t willing to tackle.

Musk is a visionary whose passions extend to space exploration, pediatric research, an increase in science education and the advocacy for renewable energy. He’s a fervent believer in the human spirit and the preservation of the human race.

For goodness sake, the man is on a quest to set up a human colony on Mars! How’s that for far out?

Elon Musk’s Foresight

Great inventors are blessed with foresight- the unique ability to envision a future that never existed, and perhaps only they can see. Elon Musk’s imagination and belief in a braver, bolder future are part of what make him a great inventor. The secret to his brilliance? His capacity to come up with ideas some scoff at, others reject and most wish they dared to dream.

“What makes innovative thinking happen?… I think it’s really a mindset. You have to decide.” — Elon Musk

Musk was bullied unmercifully as a child and used it as motivation to continue forging forward. He believed in his ideas, tested them in the marketplace and found the fortitude to continue innovating.

In order to achieve what seems to be impossible, you need to imagine yourself doing things that frankly, may seem crazy. Visualization is the art form perfected by all great inventors and those of us who thirst for something bigger than who we are. People with great imaginations refuse to accept the status quo.

When you first see your future- the realization of your goals- it is easier to attain them. They become more realistic and this gives way to faith- the indestructible belief in yourself, your ideas and what you can be.

Ideas and Thoughts Rule the World

“Constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.”

Up next for Musk is the audacious idea of the “Hyperloop,” a high-speed transportation system that will send pressurized capsules through air compressed tubes. The Hyperloop will permit for high-speed travel between San Francisco and Los Angeles, taking only 30 minutes to travel nearly 400 miles. Does this sound like The Jetsons or some far-out zany scientist you might find on the Sci-Fi channel at 2:45 in the morning? Maybe.

But like the world renowned inventor who bears the name of Musk’s car company, Musk isn’t too concerned with the thoughts of others. Just like people laughed at the seminal ideas of Nikola Tesla, ridiculing him for introducing alternating electric current, wireless radio technology and countless other ideas, Musk has his skeptics. But he is looking ahead to a future beyond many of our wildest dreams.

That is a noble cause. One worth working toward.

Why Elon Musk is Successful

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

Elon Musk is a perfectionist who believes in maximizing his God-given talent and making the most use of his time. You don’t need to be a workaholic like Musk but, you we can all appreciate why he works as hard as he does. He wants to leave a lasting impact on the world.

Starting this series with Michael Jordan, I discussed the legendary work ethic of the basketball great. Like Jordan, Musk is a believer in maximum effort to outwork the competition. Musk focuses on working smart, as well, concentrating his energies in endeavors that he is confident will provide value to others.

The beauty of Musk’s benevolence is his desire to improve the human condition- his inventions and entrepreneurial ventures are first aimed at adding value to the public good. You’ll have to search far and wide to find a better example of an individual who pursues his life’s dreams and goals to the fullest.

There are a wealth of wonderful resources right here on Medium that are designed to lift your entrepreneurial spirit and inspire you to do great things. Hopefully this article will humbly serve as one of the few. No matter what you choose, find inspiration in the remarkable journey of Elon Musk. Keep coming up with ideas. Keep working hard. Never stop believing in yourself.

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