The Harmful Shortcuts You Don’t Think You’re Taking

What We All Have in Common With Bill Cosby

Jathan Maricelli
3 min readMay 14, 2018


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

You might be the most intense, hustling, grinder out there, yet still be lazy in all the wrong ways.

And that would be most unfortunate.

Here’s what I mean.

Hardwired for Shortcuts

In Daniel Kahneman’s book, “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, he defines the law of least effort like this:

The law asserts that if there are several ways of achieving the same goal, people will eventually gravitate to the least demanding course of action. In the economy of action, effort is a cost, and the acquisition of skill is driven by the balance of benefits and costs. Laziness is built deep into our nature.

In other words, IF we can take a shortcut, yet not lose out on any of our wants, we’ll take the shortcut more times than not. And often to our detriment. A side not here is that those with the most options are often people with lots of power and/or lots of talent. The latest on Bill Cosby offers a tragic example.

The Laziness of Bill Cosby

When the news broke recently of Bill Cosby’s conviction, I thought of how the law of least effort impacted him (and his victims.)

I’m sure there are myriad reasons that Cosby took advantage of those women for decades. But one explanation has to do with the law of least effort. For years, he was so powerful that his livelihood and career were never threatened by his abuse. No one would speak up. It was the great Bill Cosby. Who would believe them?

Therefore, why should he put forth the effort of controlling his illicit and eventually abusive sexual cravings? Why not take the easy route, drug his victims, get what he wanted, and board a jet to his next lucrative speaking engagement?

Cosby, along with Harvey Weinstein are extreme examples but make no mistake, the law of least effort works its way into all of our lives on some level. And most of the time, to our detriment.

I can give you a personal example from my personal life.

The Laziness of Jathan Maricelli

I have four small kids, work a high-stress job, and come home most days just wanting a few minutes of peace. Sometimes I get the opposite. At the worst possible time, it seems, my kids will all start being obstinate and loud…AT THE SAME TIME. I would love to tell you that I respond calmly and reasonably, but sometimes I don’t. In fact, at times I do the opposite.

I yell and intimidate until I get what I want. Quiet.

Why do I resort to this?

Because I can.

My children are smaller and weaker than me. My loud voice and looming stature can be enough to get me the behavior seek without costing me anything. Of course, this is not actually true. I do give something up for taking the easy rout. As do all who obey the law of least effort. I feel horrible afterward. Plus, it takes something from the emotions and psyche of my little children.

The Laziness of You?

Perhaps you’re judging me right now. I probably deserve it. But before you let go of that stone you have aimed at my forehead, double check yourself. Are you without sin?

Or are there some areas in your life that you the easy rout BECAUSE YOU CAN? Are you taking shortcuts in some area of your life because you think it’s not costing you anything, yet all the while knowing that your choice is not as benign as you’re making it out to be?

If so, how can you fix it?

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