The Jerry Seinfeld and John Grisham Productivity Hack

Cathryn Lavery
Published in
5 min readAug 7, 2015


Are you curious about the productivity hacks of someone worth approximately $800,000,000? Jerry Seinfeld is hailed as one of the most successful comedians of all time. As a co-writer and creator of the hit sitcom Seinfeld, he is also one of the most successful writers and actors of a generation.

So what’s the secret formula he’s tapped into that even 6 years after completing the show Seinfeld he still raked in a cool $267,000,000? He already has the money and the fame, yet year after year he still consistently delivers entertainment to the world.

How about John Grisham who has released at least 1 book per year for the last 24 years? All this even while, at the beginning of his writing career, he was pulling 70 hour weeks at his job as a lawyer in a small Mississippi law practice.

Do you ever look at people like Seinfeld or Grisham and wonder how they do it? What are they doing that you aren’t? What do they have that you need? What’s the secret sauce to success that you haven’t been given?

Maybe you think people at his level of success have just gotten lucky.

On an article in Lifehacker, Brad Isaac talks about the night, many years ago, that he found himself face-to-face with Jerry Seinfeld at a comedy club. Brad asked for advice for young comedians…

