The Power of Doing Only One Thing

Tim Denning
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2018


Image Credit: Dreamstime

This idea of doing only one thing was sparked by an event that happened this week. I decided to delete all podcasts on my phone and only keep the Tim Ferriss Show. In other areas of my life, I’ve done the same.

“I’ve selectively gone into each area and chosen one thing”

All the other things in the same category have been discarded. Here are some examples:

– I had two pairs of earphones and now I have one

– I’d read multiple books at the same time — now I do one at a time

– I had multiple tools to cure stress and now I have one — meditation

I then took this minimalistic approach from how I handled material possessions and applied it to what I do each day.

Here are some examples:

– I only pursue one passion now instead of many

– I only execute on one vision instead of many

– I only use my free time for one activity instead of many

Assess what you do and you’ll see one thing

If you look at each category of your life, you’ll see that you spend a disproportionate amount of time in one area. I’ve normally had a few passions but if I evaluate the…



Tim Denning

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