The Power of Text

Text Message Marketing Best Practices with SlickText CEO, Matt Baglia

2 min readAug 20, 2021


Photo by Oleg Magni on Unsplash

Text message marketing is a powerful tool — after all no other channel provides marketers with the same level of one-to-one communication that you get by sending a simple text. But just because you have the ability to press send, doesn’t mean you always should.

“You need to think to yourself before you send any text message, ‘Is this message providing value?” Matt Baglia, CEO of SlickText said in a recent episode of Marketing Trends. “Is the person on the other end of this going to look at this and say, yes, I want to save this.’ If it’s not the case, you probably shouldn’t be sending it because you’ve got this unicorn right now, and this way to communicate to your customer is so direct, you want to hold it in the highest regard and respect it as much as possible.”

In an era where communication tools are everywhere, Baglia stressed that marketers must view SMS marketing like any other marketing channel in their arsenal, which is something that you approach with a defined strategy and understanding of what the customer wants and expects.

“You need to understand that when somebody opts into your SMS program, and they have given you this explicit way to cut through the clutter and communicate them to them on a channel that is reserved for friends and family, you need to respect it,” Baglia said. “What we tell our customers is to be upfront about how many messages they can expect to receive.”

On a recent episode of Marketing Trends, Baglia, dove into the dos and don’ts of text messaging marketing and touches on why the main reason marketers should approach this channel with extreme caution, stating that just because you have the ability to instantly reach your customers doesn’t mean you should. He also explained best practices that will set up any marketer for success


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