The Reason “Social Media” Will Soon Be An Art Form

Geoff Pilkington
Published in
6 min readJan 18, 2018


“Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.”

~Oscar Wilde

The next art form is going to be what we now refer to as “Social Media”.

I’m sure many critics are shaking their heads.

Fear not, it’s still only in it’s infancy.

The same folks shook their heads when Cinema started to come around over a century ago. Many people were bewildered, confused and couldn’t possibly see such blasphemy as art.

I’m here to tell you today that famed entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk is on to something.

I’m by no means in the Gary V. fan club. There’s some things he says that I don’t necessarily agree with. But he’s right about one big thing. He blogs and vlogs about the fact that social media and everything going on within your phone and your posts on various platforms are a new form of entertainment.

We humans are naturally curious about each other. Seeing what each other are doing is primetime TV and people sure do like to educate, inform, entertain, and inspire. Isn’t this the reason we turn on the television or go to the movie theater?

“ The mobile device is now the television, and the television is now the radio.”

Gary Vaynerchuk, Entrepreneur



Geoff Pilkington

CEO of Launch Industries, Blogger, Podcast Host, Actor, Filmmaker, Futurist, Tech Enthusiast, Social Media Expert, and Content Creator. Personality Type: ENTP