The six habits of completely miserable people

John Fawkes
Published in
5 min readAug 19, 2016


I’m not thrilled to say this, but I’ve known a lot of miserable people throughout my life. Hell, I’ve been one myself.

I’ve noticed that chronically unhappy people tend to have a few things in common- habits they follow, life philosophies they subscribe to. And if they want to stop being so damned miserable all the time, they have to change those habits.

Here are six of the worst habits that miserable people tend to follow.

They get into fights on the internet

Arguing with people in person is usually pointless. Move that argument onto the internet, and it becomes several times more aggravating, with a corresponding decrease in the probability that anyone involved will learn anything or change their opinion as a result of the argument. There are few more certain ways to put yourself in a bad mood than to get into a flame war with someone on the internet.

Did they other person mean to insult you? Do they hate you? Are they trolling you? Were they even trying to start a fight, or…



John Fawkes

Los Angeles-based freelance writer, photographer and marketing consultant.