The Three Important How-Tos

The Mission Newsletter, 7/26/18



“Dreams are renewable. Whether you’re five or one hundred and five, you have a lifetime ahead of you.” — Rev. Dale Turner

How to Find Opportunities, Friends, and The Right Mindset

Episode 64 of The Mission Daily

Success doesn’t come easy, and everyone has their own path up the mountain. In this episode, Chad gets Steph’s take on three important “How-to’s”.

  • How to unlock opportunities that you think might be out of your reach
  • How to find friends and collaborators you trust and that are in it for the long haul
  • How do you keep a positive mindset while you’re on a really hard journey

Listen to Episode 64 of The Mission Daily.

The Mission Daily is a podcast dedicated to accelerated learning and helping you become healthier, wealthier, and wiser. It is designed to help you learn — as fast as you possibly can.

From the Archives

Learn Buyer Psychology: 15 Marketing Lessons From Infomercials

“As you spot opportunities and work your way up in your career, you’re going to need people to ‘buy’ what you’re offering — yourself as an employee, your idea for the business, the reason you should get the promotion, etc…

You know what’s a great source of wisdom on this? Infomercials.”

Read: Learn Buyer Psychology by Max Altschuler

News That Matters


On a scale from 1 to 10, how bad is the pain?

If you’ve ever been to the doctor, you’re likely familiar with this question. But recent research has shown that relying only on a number scale can lead to a lower quality of care from your physician. Some patients report lowballing their pain, which leads to doctors not prescribing enough pain medication. Others report pain on a scale that does call for medicine, but those patients also reported that their pain was tolerable, indicating medication was not necessary.

This can all get very confusing, so doctors are trying to find a better way to rate and treat pain. Suggestions include using metaphors or more descriptive language when talking about the pain, describing your day and when the pain comes and goes, and how it affects your daily activities.


According to a recent survey, money is the area of life causing the most stress among millennials. From the gig economy to student loans to rising housing prices, there are a lot of reasons money might be stressing the upcoming generation. But, what worries them most might surprise you:

“A lot of the anxiety comes from knowing you should invest, but aren’t yet. The study, conducted by The Harris Poll, found that while 92% of young people (ages 21 to 37) save something, only about a third invest outside of an employee-sponsoredretirement plan. By comparison, nearly half of Gen Xers and half of Boomers have outside investments.

Young people say they don’t know how to start investing. Around 30% of the Millennials who do not currently invest beyond an employee-sponsored retirement plan, say their barrier to investing is that they don’t know how.”

Companies are trying to find more approachable ways for millennials to start investing, but until they do, the stress will likely continue to build.


It may seem like there is no link between philosophy and cosmology. One is based on ideas, the other on provable, scientific data. But, actually, the two are linked in important ways. In studying the universe and trying to explain it, philosophy can be useful in understanding some of the big ideas.

Take, for example, the cosmological principle, which states that, on large scales, the Universe is homogeneous (looks the same at all locations) and isotropic (looks the same in all directions) and the Copernican principle, which states that there are no privileged observers. Understanding these ideas means taking a big picture view of the universe and philosophically trying to understand how we fit into the universe.

“The significance of these positions in cosmology is just one way in which the discipline piggybacks on philosophical arguments. Like astronomy, the study of celestial objects, cosmology can only really test its theories via observation, rather than experimentation. We cannot run experiments on the Universe as a whole, any more than we can explode a star in a lab. (Even if we could explode a star in a lab, one might take the philosophical position that we shouldn’t.) But while astronomers are building telescopes to observe millions of galaxies or a billion stars, there is only one Universe (or, if you must, only one multiverse). Furthermore, we’re stuck with one vantage point on it, and can observe only a limited (though very large) volume of the Universe. These limitations mean that philosophical choices will always play a role in building and testing cosmological theories.”

Join us at SIGNAL!

SIGNAL will be packed with product announcements, amazing performances, inspiring stories, and insights from industry-leading visionaries. We can’t wait to check it out, and we know you won’t want to miss it either. 😏

Go to and get your ticket for 20% off by using the promo code: MISSION20.

Tech Trends

Tomorrow night, check out the longest lunar eclipse you’ll ever witness. This is a once-in-a-century occurrence, so you don’t want to miss it!

As the moon rises on Friday, in certain parts of the world you will begin to see the process by which the moon hides beneath the Earth’s shadow, what we call a lunar eclipse. It will last a whopping 1 hour and 43 minutes.

And another bonus! The moon will also be a blood moon.

Marketing Trends

The streaming wars are about to get a new competitor. Entering the ring to face off against Netflix and Hulu is … Walmart?

The retailer is considering launching their own premium streaming service. Reports on the service are scarce, but those with intel say Walmart is considering either pricing their streaming service at less than $8 per month (less than their competitors) or offering a free, ad-supported service.

Hmm… is anyone else getting deja vu? It’s almost as if Walmart has tried this before…

Education Trends

The largest genetic study ever was just published in the journal Nature Genetics, and in it, scientists looked at the genes of 1.1 million people to determine how DNA influences how long you stay in school.

However, the study is focused on the collective, rather than the individual. The pool of subjects was a group of white people of European descent. The reason for this, researchers said, was that in order to maximize the odds of discovering genetic links, the scientists say they needed a very large, homogeneous sample.

From the study:

Still, the association between each gene variant and education was very weak. When the researchers compared groups of people with or without a particular variant, their average time in school differed only by days. The researchers scanned the DNA surrounding these influential variants and found an intriguing pattern.

“They’re not just randomly scattered around the genome,” said James J. Lee, a behavioral geneticist at the University of Minnesota and co-author of the new study.

The variants are linked to genes active in the brain, helping neurons to form connections. A key to educational attainment may not be how quickly information is acquired, but how quickly it can be shared between various regions.

“Maybe it’s not about how fast a signal can zip along a cable,” Dr. Lee said. “It’s about the complexity of the connections between point A and B.”

The Best of What We Are Listening To

Fiction is an excellent teacher. There’s nothing like losing yourself in a great story, only to come out with exciting new knowledge and a broader worldview. 😊

That’s why we’ve made a list of our favorite fiction podcasts. From sci-fi to thriller, these 25 shows are sure to keep you on your toes!

Read: 25 Best Fiction Podcasts

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