The Vitamin that Every Successful Person Loves to Take

How to take daily action to transform your life

Paul Ellsworth
5 min readApr 2, 2018


Picture of man stranded on island for inspirational purposes. Not quite sure how he is going to get back to shore. (by Felix_Broenniman from Pixabay)

Let’s imagine that I am a trusted doctor, and I have a pill in my hand……Or if you are more hardcore, imagine I am Morpheus from The Matrix and I have a suspicious-looking red capsule in my hand…

The pill is called the “Success Vitamin,” and it is guaranteed to give you high end results that lead to success. The only catch is that you have to take the pill every single day.

“And guess what?” says I, the doctor, “Thousands of successful people have been taking this pill for years, and it has given them amazing results!”

Would you take it?

If you could get past your initial suspicions of a doctor who looks like Morpheus, then you would be dumb NOT to take it.

I am not a doctor, (and I don’t look anything like Morpheus), but I do have the pill and so do you.

The vitamin that will change your life

I wish that success where as easy as taking a daily vitamin. However, it might surprise you to see how simple the solution actually is. The pill takes on many shapes, depending on your definition of success, and you already have this pill available to you free of charge.

So what is that pill?

Small habits are your daily vitamin that will lead you to success.

That’s right, it is that simple. Small habits are the bricks and mortar of success. Think about what you could do in a year if you worked on your small daily habits. It may not feel like much when you do them for one day, but if you can learn how to continue in your habits, they can be THIS powerful:

– Let’s say you want to be a writer. If you wrote a page a day, in one year you could have the novel you have always wanted to write: A FREAKIN’ FULL-OUT NOVEL!!! Like Lord of the Rings! (Ok, so maybe only Fellowship of the Ring. But you get my point).

– Let’s say you want to be healthier. If you walked 10 minutes a day, imagine how different you would feel! Let me just run some quick numbers here for all you math nerds: The average person walks about 3 miles an hour according to Google so…. 3miles/60minutes = 0.05 miles per minute …. 0.05 x 10minutes= 0.5 miles a day ….. 0.5 x 365days = 182.5 a year…. That means you would walk about 183 miles in a year!!!

– Let’s say you want to be a musician. If you composed a song a week, you would have five 10-song albums by the end of the year! Just a song a week. You could write the lyrics to Verse 1 on Monday, Verse 2 on Tuesday, the Chorus on Wednesday, and then spend the rest of the week writing the music.

But our problem isn’t realizing how powerful habits are. It’s this:

The hardest part about habits is keeping them up for more than a week!

Habits are powerful tools. The problem is most people can’t make habits last…at least not positive habits. Because trust me, I can make binge watching Netflix for two hours a day a habit without thinking twice!

Are the people who make habits last some sort of mutant-human-super-productive-dream-chasing-machines?

I don’t think so….

Anyone should be able to make habits last. You just need the right ingredients.

Those ingredients are as follows.

1. Your habit needs a “why”.

Similar to the time I ran out of gas twice in one day (true story). Without a WHY, you are going to run out of gas quickly and so will your habit. Give a WHY to your habits.

– Why do you want to be healthy?
– Why do you want to make money?
– Why do you want to share your talents or message?

A practical way to do this is to make a list of what your dreams look like when they come true.Then next to each item answer this question: “Why do I want this?” But be careful because WHYs can go deep. There might be multiple layers of why’s.

Once you have a why, the next ingredient is easy.

2. You need to change your environment.

Benjamin Hardy recently wrote a book on this called, “Willpower Doesn’t Work.” The premise is that you need to change your environment instead of trying to force yourself to have willpower. Willpower is a limited resource, and you will run out of steam.

Here is an example of making your environment work in your favor:

If you want to exercise in the morning, sleep in your gym clothes (I stole that idea from Shawn Achor in his book “The Happiness Advantage”). Also, set an alarm clock in the other room. Put a jar of your favorite candy next to the clock so that you reward yourself every time you get up and turn it off (OKAY! health nerds, put a bowl of organic locally sourced Kale instead of the candy…. sheeesh).

3. You need a partner.

Please don’t write off this last ingredient! You need someone who makes sure you are actually doing the work. Find a friend to keep you accountable to sticking to your habit. Maybe they can add to the environment (example: a friend could call you in the morning to make sure you are up). Make sure they are truth tellers and not lazy-you-enablers.

Easy enough right?

Maybe it’s not easy, but it sure is simple. Choose a habit. Find a WHY. Adjust your environment. Find accountability. Take the success vitamin. Take it daily.

Action plan:

1. Write down a habit

2. Write down a WHY for that habit

3. Change 3 things in your environment to make the habit easier.

3. Call a friend to keep you accountable

4. Start today

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Paul Ellsworth

Lucky Husband. Father of 3 amazing boys. Teacher of many incredible students.