The Write Way To Tackle NanoWrimo

May the force be with you. — Your #1 Newsletter for Accelerated Learning

4 min readNov 2, 2017


“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” -Joseph Campbell

The Ultimate Storytelling Framework for NanoWrimo

You might hate what you’re about to read.

You might think it’s played out, or that you “know” about it, because you’ve heard about it so much.

But knowing about something… is very different than actually implementing it.

I’m sorry if that seems harsh. The words above are written mainly to myself. Almost everything we write is written for ourselves, to process bad experiences, or to imagine and create new future possibilities. We write in order to bring the transcendent into the real world. As writers, if we’re brave enough to actually write, shouldn’t we write with the intention to tell stories that help?

Look out. The ideas will come a mile a minute.

So what is the best way to capture, organize, and harness all your story ideas? What is the best operating system or programming language to use to tell them?

Brace yourself…

It’s still the Hero’s Journey, courtesy of Papa Campbell. I know, I know, you might be sick of hearing about it, or maybe you’ve never explored it fully because anonymous idiots on the internet are always telling you, “you should use it!”

Or maybe you’re thinking, “hell yeah!” I’m still reading and I’m serious about trying to find the ultimate framework for my NanoWrimo novel.

If you’re still reading, you’re in luck. People have psychological defenses. And by people I mean me. They’ve experienced past traumas. And by they, I mean me. And they’re carrying the genetic traumas of all their ancestors with them. You get the idea!

We have a lot of psychological and physiological armor and defenses.

The hero’s journey programming language or operating system (depending on how you look at it) is what allows you to get past all the defenses of a person.

It’s a way to speak past the EGO and to the soul of a person.

It is the best language and format to speak directly to the person’s soul in a way that bypasses all defenses, baggage, and all the detritus of history and our ancestors.

For a brief moment in space and time, the hero’s journey allows us to be transported from our lives into another hypothetical life. This journey literally refreshes us and clears our mental cache. It gives us respite from the horrors (and graces) inflicted upon us by nature and evolution. This is incredibly powerful knowledge to posses.

-Chad Grills

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If You Don’t Want To Regret Your Life 30 Years Later, Make This One Choice Right Now

Definition Of Hell: “On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.” — Unknown

…I remember being in high school and trying to fathom what it would be like to have kids. Now, I have a 7-year-old and 9-year-old running around the house. Fast-forward another 18 years, and I will be in the second half of my career and my kids will be out of the house. Maybe they’ll be reflecting on the shortness of life like I am now.

Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every year is precious!

All of this brings us to the one ultimate and timeless question:

How do I live my life NOW so that I have no regrets on my deathbed?

(Oh boy, those Forced Star Wars references hurt to write…)

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