Think INSIDE the box

B.D. Dalton II
Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2017

I had a dog when I was growing up, a little wiry haired, dachshund terrier — what she lacked in size she made up for in attitude! As lovely as she was, she could be nippy, aggressive and wasn’t shy to explore and wander outside of her familiar territory. If you put her in a confined place, a small fenced area. Suddenly, her barriers were down, she was in her comfort zone.

I think that applies to us as well, a lot of the time, we want to be fenced in. We feel more comfortable when we know our surroundings and understand our territory allowing us to work more effectively. In theory, as an entrepreneur we feel we shouldn’t be trapped, restricted and think outside the box when sometimes, we need to think inside the box and fence ourselves in.

This isn’t to say we should put huge barriers around ourselves and never venture out of our fenced area, it’s a case of understanding the framework our team, partners and ourselves are in. We know that it is manageable space we can control with ease. Some people have mammoth sized mansions, hard to maintain and clean, a nightmare to keep track of every room and a lot of unused, dust gathering space. A lot of the time, people downsize because of this; why shouldn’t we do the same for our business?

Follow These Three Tips for Better Business

1. Your Comfort Zone is not a bad Place to be

Effective systems in place are essential when maintaining an efficient, well controlled work environment. As I’ve mentioned previously, when people do things repeatedly, it encourages empowerment and they become so good at it, it’s like second nature to them. At Taurus Wealth Developments, we have several standard operating procedures in place, this makes the team comfortable with their tasks, and clients more engaged when we have their favourite coffee ready and waiting for them when they visit. Simple procedures like this ensures we are in control of our time and surroundings. Our comfort zones are not a bad place to be. It’s a place we understand confidently where we are in control. Once the team has reached optimum comfort with their regular operations and have built a solid foundation, this allows them to explore outside of their comfort zone, naturally broadening their space without being forced out of it.

2. Fence Your Clients in!

Software for Client Relationship Management like Agile or Salesforce (or a simple spreadsheet for a small number of clients) is essential when it comes to understanding existing clients and potential future clients. It’s a simple effective tool allowing us to keep clear track of everyone we deal with. Not only will you have a high degree of understand of your clients and prospects, but so will your team. CRM’s enable you to build client lifetime value. Apple fence you in for life with iTunes and iCloud, so we can do the same with our clients by dripping into them with regular contact over time. Clients like the security and familiarity of fences without the feeling of being fenced in!

3. Think Inside the Box

We’re often told to “think outside the box” but how about thinking inside it? Sometimes, you need to think inside the box so you and your team obtain clarity and a confident handle on what’s actually in it. Your company’s DNA, goals, objectives, your niche, target client, brand etc. Most of the time, brilliantly creative ideas and plans are built within the box because we have that clear vision and understanding as to what we want from our business. You can create goals relevant to your company’s DNA and clear systems ensuring you achieve them. It’s surprising how inspiration can be sparked so close to home!

Naturally, you, your business and your team will grow because strong foundations are where great things begin. For more great content, Grow, Sell and Retire podcasts and more, visit So, fence yourself in, stay inside your comfort zone and think inside the box!

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B.D. Dalton II

Tried-and-Tested tips helping you reach your next level. Check out the Grow, Sell and Retire podcast for more bursts of inspiration: