Top 7 Podcasts of October 2017

First listen from The Mission

5 min readOct 20, 2017


Once you burn through all the podcasts below, take a look at last month’s list, the Top 10 Podcasts of September 2017. But in the meantime, let’s get your ears focused on something that’s going to open your mind, shall we?

  1. Mike Row: The Way I Heard It

First up, is a great man and a great storyteller. But seriously, who can compete with this guy’s soothing, ironic voice? It’s like it was made for radio. A kind gentleman who takes his podcast seriously, but doesn’t force you to listen to rambling episodes that are over an hour long. Some of his last only 10 minutes. Now that’s what we call Efficiency of Ear. His name is Mike Rowe. And this is the way he heard it, his podcast. Make sure you listen to the Billionaire one. The payoff is perfect.

2. The Vanished

This podcast is a bit harder to stomach, but is no less important. There are nearly 100 episodes all focused on the stories of missing persons. We listened to the latest episode about a quiet and kind young woman from New York who went missing from her hospital job one day. We discovered the podcast during a drive and were instantly intrigued. This stuff is real, and we can help. We believe the woman who puts on the podcast is independent. If so, the quality is incredible for her doing this on her own. It sounds almost better than the New York Time’s big podcast.

3. The Heart of It with Esteé Lalonde

Sure, it’s a brand new podcast with only 4 episodes. And sure, it’s about feminism and makeup, and the first episode is about her 15-year old self going to an Anti-Abortion rally. Which side would this Canadian choose? And then things “got really real, real fast”. If you’re looking for a real woman’s perspective about the real world we live in, this one might be for you. You’ll get through it in about 4 hours, and she released two episodes in October alone. The production quality is high, and you’re going to have your eyes opened. If you’re a man, might we suggest seeing how the other side experiences the world (this written by a man).

4. Daring Fireball’s The Talk Show

You aren’t going to get away that easy. If you’ve ever even come close to reading the net about Apple products over the last decade it’s highly likely you’ve stumbled across DF. Our main man, John Gruber, has been a one-man, all-things-Apple blogger for a long, long time. He calls it like he sees it and sometimes delves into politics and sports, but if you’re Google > Apple, this one def ain’t for you. If you’re the opposite though, and you dig it, you might just see a few guest surprises from your fave Apple execs in the show listing around WWDC time.

5. NPR’s TED Radio Hour

his is a fun mash-up between two great knowledge and news-focused brands. The first, TED, made world famous for their highly intelligent and mind-stretching TED Talks. The other, a national resource that’s been giving the news straight as an arrow for well over a century. Together, you’re getting a little magic. Let the wisdom seep in and make you a tiny bit smarter, one hour at a time.

6. Star Talk Radio

We’ve been big fans of Star Talk for years. I mean, who can compete with Neil deGrasse Tyson? They record from the Hayden Planetarium in New York and comedian Chuck Nice joins them to bring the heady science stuff down to earth. It’s an entertaining show that we wished went a little deeper into the science, but it’s meant for the middle of the road where you get your meat and potatoes and your sugary dessert too.

7. 99% Invisible

We’ve saved the best for last (this ain’t your grandmommies’ list, kids!). There are invisible forces all around us that move and shape our world and our behavior. Gravity, that’s one. Basic income, that’s another. Algorithms, there’s one that might put you to sleep, but in this podcast, it’s explained in an easy way to get super smart. How about Episode 269 about Ways of Hearing when musicians speed up or slow down their recordings.

We hope you’re into the eclectic mix of podcasts we’re presenting you with. We figure too much of the same thing, however good, can always get a little stale. So, our hope is this list of seven sparks an interest, a new thought, and a potential new direction.

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