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Want to Be Instantly Happier Than 90% of Other People? Read This Immediately.

This is why most people aren’t happy

Anthony Moore
Published in
8 min readJul 16, 2018


Most people only ever give partial attention to the most important areas of their life.

This is why most people:

Happiness isn’t “success;” there are countless “successful” people who live terribly imbalanced and empty lives.

Happiness isn’t achievement, accomplishment, or a state of being you finally “arrive” at. You can never do enough, or the right thing, so that you finally feel like you’re complete.

Happiness is a natural result of doing what you’re supposed to do.

Happiness and fulfillment aren’t easy concepts, but they’re simple. Achieving happiness is a natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals of focus, generosity, and healthy boundaries — all of which you can start doing immediately.

Want to be instantly happier than 90% of people? Then keep reading.

Happiness Always Starts With Focus



Anthony Moore

Writer for CNBC, Business Insider, Fast Company, Thought Catalog, Yahoo! Finance, and you.