Want to really achieve your dreams?

You have the ability to own the recipe

Eric Turner


This isn’t a quick 5 step article that’s going to give you all the knowledge you need to unlock your dreams. It’s actually simpler, and yet more complicated, than that.

I see a ton of people write about the best way to achieve your dreams. There’s always some formula. For example, 1: get up at 5am! 2: exercise for an hour! 3: Eat more protein! 4: Take a cold shower! 5: Read books! and the list goes on, right?

Of course, none of these are really bad pieces of advice, unless you work night shift. Or this may be bad advice if you simply aren’t a morning person. Or this may be bad advice if cold showers irritate you. Or this may be bad advice if you cannot, for the life of you, comprehend what you’re reading, so it takes you like a year to read 200 pages.

The issue I’m targeting here is that there is no blanket article that can cover everyone’s “secret to success”. Those such articles are written for the masses, but they really cover nothing of substance in our personal lives. Those articles don’t take into account that you have a newborn that is continuously waking up throughout the night. Those articles don’t take into account the fact that you’re working two jobs, and barely have enough time to make dinner, let alone get yourself an hour on the treadmill.

What I’m trying to say is that these writers do not know your life. I think a lot of these articles are not practical, either. They give you a 5 step process in achieving your dreams? What are your dreams? Do they know? What if you want to open your own coffee shop and you have everything but the finances? How is taking a cold shower so that you can potentially lower your anxiety going to help with that?

There is no broad brush to use here. The only blanket statement we can really make is that achieving anything takes hard work and perseverance. You have got to put the work in, and you can’t give up when it gets tough. These are the two ingredients that I can tell you everyone needs to accomplish anything that has barriers.

If we go back to the coffee shop example, the barriers are not having the financial stability it takes to put forth that risk. Hard work could mean that you get another job so that you can bring in more income. Perseverance could mean that you don’t let yourself become discouraged to the point of giving up, or to the point of not finding another source of income.

You see, it’d be great if being successful at life means we could follow some cookie-cutter equation that always ends up leading us to our goals. That’s just simply not true, though. We’re all different, and our lives all demand our energy in different ways. There’s no way we all can just go to the same drawing board when we’re chasing our dreams or trying to accomplish something great.

By working hard and not giving up, we all actually possess the capability to achieve the unachievable. Wouldn’t it be easier for you to say that you just don’t want to get another job? It certainly would say something about how badly you really do want to open a coffee shop. When the work and perseverance is no longer worth it, then you’ve lost the fire to truly accomplish your goal.

Without those things, no amount of 5 step processes will get you to the finish line. Without hard work and fighting through opposition, maybe even failing a few times, you won’t have the experience or tools necessary to truly complete your mission.

So, here’s my 5 step process then.

  1. Put in the work
  2. Don’t give up in the face of adversity
  3. believe
  4. believe
  5. believe

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Eric Turner

Husband. Father. Friend. Social Worker. Life is messy. Come along for the ride! Also, check out Medium membership! https://medium.com/@eturn102/membership