‘When I Put My Political Views On Social Media I Lost My Biggest Accounts’

Cheryl Snapp Conner
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2017
Cheryl Rios is a partner in Elite Creative Partners of Dallas, Texas (Image courtesy of EliteCreativePartners.com)

Cheryl Rios is perhaps the boldest person yet to come forward with her biggest PR misstep. Hers is somewhat recent, and so the pain is still fresh. Rios is an integrated marketing specialist in Dallas, Texas. In April 2015, she put up a post on social media that stated her personal opinion, in a fairly mercurial way, about the upcoming presidential election. Her remarks were picked up by the national press.

Her Lesson

Her lesson: “Do not think your personal social media is personal, as anyone can copy your post and push it out on their own social media as well. You represent your clients, and your posts will affect them, which I didn’t even think of — I had thought it was just me, on my own social media page, saying what I felt.”

Most painful of all is that when the aftermath hit the press, Rios’ clients were attacked along with her, as their logos and names appeared on her company site. In the aftermath she lost two of her largest accounts, costing her business $8,000 a month.

To undo the damage, Rios removed all logos and client names from her company’s websites. She also took down all of her personal social media accounts as the floodgate of messages became hateful. Thankfully, within 4–5 days the storm had passed and it was “as if I didn’t exist,” she recalls. When her accounts went back up, minus the post, her life was normal again.

Except for the lost business. “This situation was a learning experience in that it’s also taught me to not get too comfortable; to always be selling and building my business.” Has she fully recovered? “I am in process,” she says. “Thankfully, I merged with an amazing company to create Elite Creative Partners. We are building up our clientele and things are going well.”

“The lessons learned: “When hate and negativity are rolling, there’s no need to add to the fire or to lower yourself to the fray, so shutting down and coming back without any clients listed was the way to go,” she says. “The ’15 minutes of fame’ is thankfully over.” Her new company employs approximately 12 employees and is progressing nicely.

My own opinion: I’ve talked about ways controversy has spurred entrepreneurial business, but I’ve also cautioned about the ways speaking out on issues like religion, sex and politics is a risk. In another situation, one of my favorite writers, an online content and marketing consultant in Canada, Jim Murray, has made a veritable side career writing posts and columns that eviscerate Donald Trump. Not only has it not affected him badly, I believe it has grown his following and brand.

What is working for Murray, I believe, is that 1) in Canada, he is not a direct participant in the U.S. election process and is able to observe our political events from arm’s length. 2) Murray’s core strength is his observational wit and storytelling ability. The satirical edge leaves people coming away entertained by his communication strengths instead of enraged by the message. Additionally, there are legions of people who agree with Murray’s message (yes, I’m one of them), whereas Rios’ message had expressed a personal and fairly contrarian view (one that she had intended only for her personal audience of the people she knew).

The lesson for entrepreneurs, yet again, is that controversial topics are akin to chili peppers and dynamite — plan their uses with care, be thoughtful in the execution, and remember that a little bit of spice or explosive can go a very long way.

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This story was originally published at www.forbes.com. Information about Cheryl Snapp Conner’s Content University program to help businesses and executives tell their stories better is available here.



Cheryl Snapp Conner

Cheryl Snapp Conner is founder and CEO of SnappConner PR and creator of Content University™. She is a popular speaker, author and columnist.