When will your web developer quit?

How to retain great tech talent

Rob Howard


There’s a paradox you’ll discover as you’re building your technology team: even though hiring great people benefits everyone, nobody really enjoys the process.

Creative agency owners and entrepreneurs struggle to write job descriptions, conduct interviews, and make judgment calls about the best candidates. Candidates hate the process of searching for opportunities, crafting resumés, updating portfolios, and feeling like they have to sell themselves to one company after another.

This is an excerpt from the free Agency Owner’s Guide to Hiring Web Developers

I’ve met thousands of creative and technology professionals in my career — and not a single one chose their career because they love sales. We’re creative! We want to create cool stuff! And the hiring process is really just sales by another name — the company sells itself to candidates, and candidates sell themselves to the company — which means we’d all like to get it over with as quickly as possible.

If you’ve put the advice in this guide into practice, you’ve already taken a big step toward simplifying and shortening the hiring process.

