Why You Should Overcome Limiting Beliefs To Affirm Your Authentic Power

Tony Fahkry
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2018


Internal Conflicts

“You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights.” — Brian Tracy

Limiting beliefs are cause concern when they trigger internal conflicts.

Let’s take a step back and examine this in more detail.

What is a belief?

A belief is a set of principles that guides your thoughts, words and actions. They are responsible for your view of reality — whether good or bad.

Here’s an example of my beliefs.

“I believe the world is a beautiful place. I believe joy and wonder exists in every moment when you are receptive to it. I believe in the goodness of man. I believe love is the most powerful energy in the universe. I believe we are intended to enrich the lives of others. I believe in following your bliss and revealing your greatness to the world.”

Some might think: “Haven’t you been watching the news with the devastation, death and horrors in the world?”

In spite of it, I hold firm to my beliefs because they paint the canvas of my reality.

Why do people hold different beliefs?

Who is right?

You can have the same upbringing and yet hold different beliefs. Imagine the artist, Michelangelo had he been born a beggar? The Sistine Chapel and The David would not have been created. He saw beauty and majesty in everything he touched because of his beliefs.

The same is true of the great composers: Mozart, Beethoven & Bach. Consider if they shared a belief that the world was a horrible place. They would not have composed the great musical concertos of the past century.

How Beliefs Affect Your Life

“I’m not interested in your limiting beliefs, I’m interested in what makes you limitless.” — Brendon Burchard

Your beliefs shape your world. They add colour and vibrancy to your perception of the world. I often hear people complain how tough life is. They talk about the misery in their lives and merely exist instead of thrive. They’ve conjured a story based on their past conditioning.

Author Gregory Berns states in from Iconoclast: A Neuroscientist Reveals How To Think Differently: “Perception is the brain’s way of interpreting ambiguous visual signals in the most likely explanation possible. These explanations are a direct result of past experience. Experience modifies the connections between neurons such that they become more efficient at processing information.”

Your past shapes your future. Your mind uses snapshots of the past to make sense of the present. It tries to predict what is most likely to occur. This is the brain’s role, to predict the future using historical data.

Life can be dull when you constantly reference the past as a preface to the future. It influences your thoughts, words, and actions. Beliefs are powerful and shape your interaction with life.

Have you met people affected by great misfortune? Most will tell you how the tragedy served as a catalyst for living consciously, thus creating greater meaning in their life.

Some of the greatest leaders of our time are those who have been struck by adversity. They used their hardship as a catalyst to live intentionally.

You have what it takes to change your limiting beliefs which may hold you back.

A Purposeful Life

“Beliefs are choices. First you choose your beliefs. Then your beliefs affect your choices.” ― Roy T. Bennett

How do you recognise a limiting belief?

Look at the state of your life. Are you happy with your current circumstances? If the answer is no, there are limiting beliefs preventing you from achieving the life of your dreams.

If you were to ask: Tony Robbins, Richard Branson or Oprah Winfrey whether they are satisfied with their current circumstances, I’m certain they’d respond with a resounding “yes.” They began their careers by overcoming adversities which led to triumph. Richard Branson is dyslexic, yet this did not stop him building a multi billion dollar empire.

The message is, choose beliefs which serve your personal growth and empower you to become the person you want to be.

Don’t pursue material desires alone, since they will not make you happy. Focus on what you can become to live a rich, and prosperous life.

If your beliefs doesn’t serve you, drop them, like hot coal in your hands. Choose ones that brings you closer to your ideal life. Apply this to your: relationships, career, health, community and environment.

For example, if you find it difficult being in a loving relationship, examine your beliefs around intimacy and commitment, then upgrade them. This is enough to move you towards your a more fulfilling life.

Make an inner declaration from this point forward to choose beliefs which serve your ideal life.

Afterall, you owe it to yourself to live purposefully.

Call To Action

To live a remarkable life, you must take consistent action in spite of your fears and doubts. Download your FREE COPY of my comprehensive eBook: NAVIGATE LIFE and embark upon your journey of greatness today!



Tony Fahkry

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