You Are Addicted to Social Media

Srinivas Rao
Published in
6 min readJun 13, 2019


Photo by David Sager on Unsplash

We need the water of stillness with which to nourish our creative selves. Repeatedly artist, writers, scientists, and philosophers have written of this need, not only for this process of creating but within the work itself. — Anne De Le Claire

The value of silence in a world full of noise is underrated. We need to be able to hear and listen to the expression of our soul’s calling. But drowned out by the cacophony of status updates, text messages, and selfies, we lose touch with ourselves. We lose access to the depths of who we are and the capacity for the kind of reflection and solitude that allows us to create beautiful art and come up with groundbreaking ideas.

When was the last time you went a day or better yet an hour without checking Facebook or updating your status?

When was the last time you didn’t just play this digital game of mad libs where you fill in the blank with whatever attention-seeking thought just crosses your mind?

When was the last time you were so immersed in an experience or moment that you didn’t have any need or desire to upload it to Instagram?

In losing our capacity for solitude, we lose our creativity, our humanity and so much more.

I see this in my community, I see it in my friends and I see it in myself.



Srinivas Rao

Candidate Conversations with Insanely Interesting People: Listen to the @Unmistakable Creative podcast in iTunes