You Only Achieve BIG Results When You Stop Dabbling and Fully Commit

Most people will never avoid mediocrity.

Anthony Moore
Published in
7 min readApr 24, 2018


“If you want lasting change, you have to give up this idea of just trying something, and you have to commit yourself to mastery. That means not just “dabbling,” but fully immersing yourself. Because your life is not controlled by what you do some of the time, but by what you do consistently.” -Tony Robbins

It doesn’t take much to accomplish “decent” results.

Entering into the top 25% of your field actually isn’t that hard. Most people are content with “good-enough,” and don’t try very hard to improve what already works. With a few small tweaks, you can actually make enormous progress.

But most people never get any better than that. Few people ever get past this “good-enough” mindset. Good-enough, is, well, good-enough. No need to put in any more effort. “If it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it,” right?

In short, most people settle for good instead of working to achieve greatness.

Wrote Jim Collins in his book, Good to Great:

“Good is the enemy of great. And that is one of the key reasons why we have so little that becomes great. We don’t have…



Anthony Moore

Writer for CNBC, Business Insider, Fast Company, Thought Catalog, Yahoo! Finance, and you.