Affordable homes, a housing trust fund and the old library

jon ellingson
The Missoula Tempo
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2019


Missoula has a once in a lifetime opportunity to dramatically address one of our most pressing problems, affordable housing. It shouldn’t pass it by.

I began following the city’s efforts to solve our affordable housing crisis last February when I attended a meeting of the Mayor’s Policy Steering Committee.

Since that time, I have continued to participate as a member of the Missoula Home Coalition, and as a board member of Big Sky 55, a new statewide organization with a keen interest in the problem.

Now that the Mayor’s committee has presented its recommendations to the public and the city council, many aspects of our dilemma have become clear.

First: The cost of housing in our community is beyond the reach of many who work here, not only for those in the hospitality and service industries, but also for single parent/ single single income teachers and other professionals. We have a crisis right now, here in Missoula.

At great cost to themselves, to the environment, and to the quality of our community, these Missoulians are forced to look for housing that is far from their place of employment. This adds to the pollution in our valley. It adds to the carbon imprint of Missoula. It adds commuting time to the effective hours of employment, depriving…

