Record Review: Kudzu’s ‘Defeated’

Dónal Cían Lakatua
The Missoula Tempo


Say what you will about cheesy ’80s music, but there’s an undeniable, pervasive beauty to the sound of a Yamaha synthesizer. And if you pay attention to the sonic aesthetic of films like Blade Runner, you probably won’t be surprised to hear that there are entire genres of synth-based music out there inspired by neo-noir movie soundtracks.

Kudzu seems to fall into this category. The Springfield, Missouri, noise-rock duo, made up of Seth Goodwin on synth/drum machine and Mark Gillenwaters on guitar, takes the old stylings of synth-pop and soaks them in acidic, psychedelic riffs and echoey vocals. Gothic, repetitive vocal hooks delivered by both band members makes the band sound like a krautrock cult, reciting earworm mantras in a neon-lit cathedral. And the clean drum programming matched with fuzzy guitar adds weight to Kudzu’s sound allowing them to raise quite a lot of hell despite being just two people.

Kudzu’s most recent project, Defeated, is both atmospheric and fast paced. Crunchy drum machine and hypnotic lead guitar melodies melt into each other as Goodwin and Gillenwaters harmonize. The music tightens up and loosens from song to song, building constant tension. In its most amped up mode the music feels like a getaway car shifting into 4th gear, making it perhaps the right soundtrack to a (fictitious) bank robbery or train heist — but regardless, putting Kudzu in the forefront of an interesting niche genre.

Kudzu plays Board of Missoula Sat., Sept. 15, at 7:30 PM along with Tomb Toad and Juno Kid. $5 donation.


Listen to Defeated before you hit their show.

