Don’t be a snitch, write for The Mitch

Submission Guidelines

New writers welcome just be funny

Hogan Torah
The Mitch
Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2024


At some point in the past GB Rogut and Hogan Torah started The Mitch. I needed a publication that would publish my humor. The kind of funny I do is not the funny other humor publications want. GB suggested it, I said yes.

I always planned on opening The Mitch up to submissions from other writers, but I got stoned and forgot. Then I remembered which brings us to now.

Why The Mitch? If you want to write humor, you should know who Mitch Hedberg is. His humor is our bar.

Why write for The Mitch

For starters, we are a boost publication. Good luck with that. Stories that are funny are rarely boostable. If you think you can do everything you need to get boosted and still write a funny story, we will boost it and you will be celebrated.

Think of us as a mom and pop publication. GB Rogut is the caring mother that will work with you if you want help to get boosted. I’m your asshole father who’s tough but it’s because I love you.

My feedback is honest if you want it. I have a deep understanding of humor. I’ve been funny online for over 20 years. Google me, I autofill.



Hogan Torah
The Mitch

Lovable af 🥰 Son of a Mouseketeer 🎥 25 years of online publishing 💎 Google me, I autofill 🕶️