Dear Diary 5/5/17

Hell Week Day #5

Chris Mocko
2 min readMay 7, 2017


Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

6:15a Wake-up without alarm (my favorite!).

6:30a Breakfast. Small coffee, bite of leftover stromboli (when you open the fridge and see cheese+bread, you eat the cheese+bread) and toast+peanut butter.

8:15a Out the door! Shockingly early, I know. It turns out it’s a lot easier to get motivated to move when you have a deadline (I had a call at 11am and then will be volunteering all afternoon).

10:30a And we’re back! Post-workout legs are a thing, but not nearly as sore as after Tuesday’s effort (finishing at noon instead of 9p probably helped too). Finished the run with a couple of hill strides (4 x 30sec) just to wake up the legs a bit. We’ve got a big day tomorrow! Strava:

5-DAY TALLY: 92 miles, 11.9k ft
REMAINING WORK FOR THE WKND: 58 miles, 15k of climbing (the climbing might be aggressive in two runs!)

11:30a Lunch. Found some more stromboli (I’ll admit, it would be better if it was warmed up). Main dish: eggs+steak on top of a bed of salad with chips, salsa & guac as toppings.

12:15p Legs up. Power nap.

1–6:00p Volunteering at SFRC — packet pick-up for the Miwok 100k. Always fun to geek out on running with fellow running nerds. And the margaritas were flow-ing (I had one drink — first of the week = good behavior!). Not often do you bump into a former MLB player and a Barkley Marathon finisher in one afernoon. Our sport is cool like that.

7:30p Dinner. Cinco de Mayo! Taquitos, flautas, salsa, guac, fried cheese (of course), a little spinach, beans (hope I don’t feel these tomorrow!).

8:30p #breaking2 marathon attempt about to begin! Decided to eat 3 granola bars. Stress eating for the runners?

8:45p #breaking2 begins. This is EXCITING!

10:40p Are they almost done?

10:45p 2:00:25. Wow. Just wow.

11:00p Sleep time!

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Chris Mocko

Quit my tech job to go running. Training for Western States and Ultra-Trail Mont Blanc. Follow my miles: