Refreshing (Leftover) Corn Salad Recipe

Elizabeth Rago
The Modern Domestic Woman
1 min readSep 9, 2018

We always seem to have a few corn on the cob leftovers and last night I whipped up this super simple recipe that proved to be a bit sweet and a tad savory. Enjoy!


6 leftover cooked corn cobs

4 leaves of fresh basil chopped into tiny pieces

Light sprinkle of olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

2 pinches of fresh rosemary chopped into tiny pieces

Goat cheese or feta (your choice)

Chef notes: You can also add cherry tomatoes to this or even cucumber. Or avocado would be tasty too! I was working with limited supplies in my fridge and pantry.


Take each corn cob and cut kernels off into a medium sized bowl. Add basil, salt, pepper, and rosemary — then stir. Sprinkle olive oil over the top of the salad and toss. Top with crumbled goat or feta cheese. Serve immediately.




Elizabeth Rago
The Modern Domestic Woman

Creative. Writer and Editor of The Modern Domestic Woman. Advocate for Neurodiversity. Author of On Tenterhooks 📙