Modern Marcus: The Sixth Book

Jason Ball
The Modern Marcus
Published in
15 min readMay 9, 2020


‘Be at one with the universe around you. Love others unconditionally. Play nice.’

1. The universe doesn’t hate you

In itself, the universe is a pretty docile place. It doesn’t hate you. It’s not out to get you. When you think about things this way, it’s easy to see that the natural laws that govern everything around us aren’t evil. They don’t make mistakes. They harm nothing. And ultimately, it’s these same laws that govern everything that happens to us from birth to death.

2. To your last breath

I’ll say it again, do the right thing.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re freezing cold or dead on your feet. Nor whether you are being cheered on or beaten down. Or even whether you’re living it large or drawing your last breath. See, even the act of dying is part of life and deserves your best efforts.

3. Go deep or go home

These days, too few people look beneath the surface. Don’t be one of them. Look deeper to find the intrinsic worth in everything and everyone.

4. Fire and flood

Everything around you will change — whether it comes to some fiery end or gently disintegrates into its component atoms.

5. Get out of the way

Reason knows what it’s doing. More than this, it knows how to do it and why.

6. Revenge

The best revenge? Don’t be like them.

7. Happiness starts here

If you focus on one source of joy in this world, let it be this: Be kind, help others, repeat.

8. Clarity lies within

The rational part of you has no problem understanding the world around you. It can take any form it likes. Fundamentally, it can do what it damn well pleases.

9. You are here

Everything works as it does within one interconnected universe. Face it, barring the discovery of wormholes or some such, there is no other universe. None.

10. Order vs chaos

We can either look at the world as a random collection of atoms bumping into one another or as an interconnected environment governed by order.

If we go with the former, why be so eager to struggle on prolonging a life that’s destined to be forever chaotic and confusing? It’s all going to turn to dust anyhow. In fact, why worry about even that?

Of course, if we go down the route of an ordered world, we can calmly accept that we’re part of the bigger picture and get on with doing our bit.

11. Surfing the shitstorm

When everything is getting too much — your friends are being annoying, your enemies are being even more shitty than usual, the dog has done who knows what on the carpet — turn inwards.

Get back in tune with who you are and what’s really important. The more you do this, the easier it will become, and you’ll be able to call on this inner peace whenever you need to.

12. No evil stepmothers

Say you had both a stepmother and a mother at the same time. Sure, you’d treat your stepmother with respect (you would, wouldn’t you?), but it’d always be your mum you’d go back to.

It’s the same with society and philosophy. Keep going back to philosophy, it will refresh you and make living in this crazy world more bearable.

13. Fish corpse anyone?

So you enjoy a fancy meal, how nice. But think about it, on your plate is a dead fish or chicken or pig. The wine? Grape juice.

And what about sex? Some enjoyable friction ending in a bit of moaning and your O face (hopefully).

When you think about things this way, it cuts out all the bullshit. You see things for what they really are. And you can apply this to everything in life.

So when things are being hyped up, clouded in smoke and mirrors, you’ll be able to lay them bare. And don’t for a minute think you get out of this, it’s just the same when you’re tempted to believe your own hype too.

14. Check out those threads

A lot of people will admire the stuff around them (fast cars, a nice watch, a killer pair of shoes). Others are more likely to admire people (the A-list actress, the current face of whatever fashion label is trending, the Instagram celeb with the impossible lifestyle). Others still will admire the products of talent and skill (great art and design, writing that speaks to you, films that move you to tears).

But in the end, if you really value reason above all else, you’ll spend less time admiring such things and more time focusing on nurturing the core of who you really are and searching out others who think the same.

15. And breathe

It seems some things can’t wait to be born while others can’t wait to die. In fact, even when something is on the way in, part of it is often on the way out.

Change is endless. The universe is continually renewing itself around us as time flows by. But with all this swirling around you, how do you know what to focus on? It’s like trying to get the number of that gorgeous creature you saw in the bar when they’ve already jumped in a cab and headed off into the dark.

But that’s just the way it is. Life is simply a series of breaths. In and out. On and on. It’s something you gained just yesterday at your birth and will give back when you inevitably die.

16. Strip it back

So what should we really care about? There are billions of different creatures on the planet, all breathing just like us, all with similar senses (some better, some worse), many are social, all need to feed — and all need to shit too. What makes us special?

Is it our desires, jumping and laughing and dancing at the drop of a hat? No.

What about the praise of others, the clapping of hands, the wagging of tongues, the hundreds of likes on our latest update? No again.

When it comes down to it, the only thing to really care about is acting in accordance with your true self — when everything else is stripped away — the core truth of what it is to be you.

It’s the same with any tool or technology. It does precisely the job it was designed to do (whatever Siri says, your phone doesn’t care what you think of it). It’s the same for people, the ones who are absorbed by what they do. Whether they’re gardeners, baristas, teachers, whatever, it’s like they’re born to do it and do it to their very best abilities.

This is what you should care about. Focus on this and everything else will be garnish.

But what if you can’t shake your other desires?

Then you’ll never be free. You’ll endlessly be subject to others’ vacuous praise, empty wants and petty jealousy. It’ll haunt you. You’ll always be looking for who will take your stuff, who will trigger your fears, who can be blamed for your misfortunes.

But focus on the core and you’ll find peace within. You’ll be at one with others around you. You’ll be able to roll with whatever happens.

17. Rough and tumble

The elements around us swirl and tumble like a hipster’s vape on a windy day. But real virtue is different. It’s purposeful, serene and moves in ways we struggle to measure.

18. Don’t feed the trolls

I tell you, some people, eh? They haven’t a good word for those around them but they throw a hissy fit if they aren’t praised themselves. They want fame from everyone, even future generations they will never live to see. They might as well moan about not getting any likes from the dead.

19. No one likes a quitter

Just because something is hard, don’t believe it to be impossible. Instead, if it is at all possible, assume you can do it.

20. Cross-trainers can be a bitch

Say that someone bumps into you in the gym. I bet you wouldn’t take offence or think they are out to get you. You wouldn’t go and bump them back would you?

You might give them a bit more space — some people are pretty clumsy. But you’d do it good-naturedly. So why not take this and apply it to all areas of your life? If people offend you, give them space and keep your cool.

21. Am I wrong? Good.

If you can prove me wrong, I’ll gladly change what I think and do. You see, I want the truth and the truth never hurt anyone. In fact, it’s only hanging on to ignorance that does harm.

22. No obstacles. None.

I’ll do my thing and let nothing get in the way — doesn’t matter if that’s people, things or irrational thoughts.

23. Being reasonable

As a human being with reason, be reasonable to the animals and things around you. Treat other reasonable people as brothers and sisters. Stop and think when you need to get things clear in your head. Take your time, there’s no rush.

24. Mainly carbon

In death, Leonardo da Vinci met the same end as the unknown apprentice that mixed his paints. Either they both went back to the mystical source of all things (if you believe that kind of thing) or they both simply dispersed into atoms.

25. Man that’s big

Think about just how much is going on inside every one of us right now and it won’t surprise you to learn that there’s an almost infinite number of things happening at this very instant right across the universe.

26. Spell what?

Say someone asks you to spell ‘rhythm’. Would you shout each letter at the top of your voice? And if that angered, would you get angry in return? Or would you speak the letters quietly, one by one?

It’s the same with pretty much everything else you do. Things get done in steps. It’s down to you to follow those steps without getting wound up with anyone or anything that gets in your way.

Just keep on keeping on.

27. Wrong, wrong, wrong

It can be pretty shitty stopping others doing what they think is best for them. But that’s what you do when you get all upset with them for doing something you think is wrong. After all, your ‘wrong’ is their ‘right’.

But they really are wrong!’ you cry. OK, then help them see where their real best interests lie rather than just getting wound up about it.

28. Cry freedom

Death is freedom. Freedom from the stuff our senses make up. Freedom from kneejerk subservience to whims and wants. Freedom from the stuff going round and round in our heads. And freedom from being slaves to desire.

29. Just. One. More.

Don’t let the brain give up when the body can still go on.

30. This. Absolutely this.

Don’t get drunk on your own power and sense of self-importance. Be good, genuine and unassuming. Be just (and a friend to justice). Be kind — serve the human race and focus always on doing the right thing. Be the person this philosophy would have you be.

Life’s short. The only good you can get out of it is to be disciplined on the inside and selfless on the outside.

Get this right and you’ll never get tired of being reasonable, moderate and calm. You’ll be as indifferent to praise as you’ll be to those who would try to bring you down. You’ll never give up, never abandon a task, never act in haste. Gossip just won’t matter — you’ll judge people on their actions and characters, not on some Twitter troll’s latest shitstorm. You’ll be free of anxiety, naturally brave, not pussyfooting around the things that matter.

More than this, you’ll be able to live with little and not regret it for a moment. You’ll be fine with hard work because you’ll know you’re doing the right thing. And you’ll be patient because the universe demands it.

You’ll be a good and true friend. But you’ll speak your mind, disagree when others are wrong and be happy to change your views when others are right. And when death comes calling, you’ll head off without worry or regret.

31. Sleepy time is over

Wake up dammit! Remember who you are. Those other things troubling you were just dreams. See them for what they really are.

32. Welcome to indifference

I’m one part mind, one part body.

My body is indifferent to what goes on around it because it can’t make decisions or form opinions.

As for my mind, the only things that aren’t indifferent to it are those it can control — and there aren’t many of them. In fact, it can only really concern itself with the present moment as it has no control over either the past or the future.

33. Ouch

A pain in your hand is perfectly natural if it came about from doing what a hand’s meant to do. In fact, we can broaden this out — no pain is unnatural if you are doing what you should. It’s not evil to suffer, it’s just life.

34. Now that’s odd

Criminals, perverts and tyrants enjoy some pretty weird things.

35. A line in the sand

People who know their stuff may try to accommodate the wishes of a less-skilled boss up to a point. But when push comes to shove, they’ll draw the line and go no further. It’s a matter of principle. Isn’t it a shame that the same can’t be said for most people who buckle at the first sign of resistance?

36. When you look at it like that

When seen from the perspective of the wider universe, continents are just small corners of dirt, oceans just a drop of water, and Everest a tiny hill of rock.

All the years of our history are just the blink of an eye. Everything in this life of ours is inconsequential and short-lived. And everything comes ultimately from an orderly universe governed by rational laws.

From a lion’s gaping jaws to a snake’s poison to every last thing that could hurt you, don’t think for a second they’re not a natural part of the universe.

37. Omniscience for beginners

To see the present is to see everything that’s been before and everything that’s yet to come because everything is linked.

38. Think about it

Stop for a while and consider just how interconnected everything is. Everything is interwoven, spooning like long-time lovers, the result of an eternity of obedience to the laws of nature.

39. Life in the sandpit

Be at one with the universe around you. Love others unconditionally. Play nice.

40. Don’t fight it

It doesn’t matter if the person who makes a tool isn’t around when it gets used, it’ll work anyway. It’s different for things in the natural world because nature is still within them. You’re no exception. You can’t escape the natural laws that govern your being. But work with them and everything will be cool.

41. A bad idea

If you reckon that things outside your control are either good or bad, then when bad stuff happens, chances are you’ll go looking for someone or something to blame. But that’s a direct route to injustice.

Instead, if you limit what you think of as good or bad just to what’s within your own control, there’ll be no need to go picking a fight with others.

42. Pick a side

We’re all trying to build a better world, even if we don’t know it or disagree about what a better world would look like. Everyone plays a part (even the moaners and groaners).

You need to consider what your role in all this will be — whose side are you on? But know this, while whatever you do will have to be in keeping with the wider universe, you should ensure your part is not just a walk-on.

43. Doing their bit

Does the sun try to do the rain’s job? What about the rest of the stars? They may all be different but they’re all acting as part of the universe.

44. So, about gods…

Just say there is a god (or a bunch of gods for that matter).

If they spent time plotting my fate, they did a pretty good job. From where I stand, it’d be hard to imagine they have it in for me. And why would they? What would be in it for them? How would it help the wider universe which, you have to think, is their main concern?

OK, even if they don’t care a jot about me, I guess I ought to think well of them and anything that happens as a result.

Of course, if they don’t care about anything at all, then let’s forget the whole prayer and worship thing. Because if this is the case, I’m still able to look after myself and stay true to who I am.

I’m rational. I have a city and a country. As Marcus, I have Rome. And as a human being, I have the world. So whatever is good for these, is good for me.

45. All good

As a general rule, what is truly good for one person is good for everyone. We just need to be clear that by good, we mean the stuff that helps real people in the real world rather than any purely moral assessment.

46. Same, same, same

Look at your newsfeed — what’s really new? It just the same stuff over and over.

It’s the same with life as a whole — ups and downs, causes and effects. When will it end?

47. I see dead people

Think about everyone who’s ever died — millions and billions of them. Rich, poor, smart, dumb. It’s a long list on which your name will appear soon enough — alongside princes and presidents, philosophers and footballers, beauties and bullies.

Think about them all. What did they hope to achieve from life? In reality, the only value lies in seeking truth and being fair (even to those who don’t deserve it).

48. Celebrate the awesome

When your spirits need a lift, take a moment to think about all the good qualities of your friends — their energy, generosity, modesty, whatever. Nothing is more inspiring to keep in mind.

49. Lean times

Think yourself too skinny? Would you like to be fatter? How about an extra 150kg? Probably not. So why worry about how much longer you might live? Be happy with what you’ve got.

50. We try harder

Sure, try to get others on your side but, when push comes to shove, act anyway if it’s the right thing to do. If they try to stand in your way, stay calm, take a different tack — turn the obstacle into an opportunity to exercise patience and self-control.

Don’t forget, you might be wrong and to do the impossible is, well, impossible. It’s enough to try your hardest — that is success.

51. Doing happy

Ambitious people tend to find happiness in what others think.

Those who crave pleasure focus on how they feel.

Wise people find it in what they do.

52. Opinions are like arseholes…

You don’t have to have an opinion. You don’t have to get stressed out about things you can’t control. These things are not asking for your judgement.

53. Becoming a mind reader

Learn how to pay real attention to what people around you are saying. Try to get inside their heads.

54. Bees?

What’s useless for the hive is useless for the bee.

55. Make clever choices

Want to ignore ‘so-called experts’? Who are you going to listen to instead? And will their advice solve anything in the real world?

56. Checking out

You share the date of your birth with around 300,000 others. Think how many of them have already died.

57. Sick thinking

If you have jaundice, even honey will taste bitter. Rabies will make you crazily afraid of water. So why do I get angry? Do you think that errors in thinking have any less effect on us than bile or bacteria?

58. Live your truth

Nothing can stop you living according to the laws of your personal nature. And nothing can happen that goes against the laws of the universe.

59. I’ll never forget whatshisname

It’s sad that we try so hard to please others. To what end?

Yet time will soon wipe it all away. Just think how much you’ve already forgotten.



Jason Ball
The Modern Marcus

I split my time between running B2B marketing consultancy Considered and writing about modern approaches to Stoicism.