Best Sheet Music Reader for iPad

Spoiler, you can use more than one…

Hannah Haefele
The Modern Musician


If you want to use an iPad for sheet music, you need to choose the best sheet music reader. That way, you won’t have to struggle to turn pages or annotate your files.

Before you choose the first app you find, consider if it’s the right choice for you. And don’t be afraid to use a few different apps for various parts of your music practice routine.

Before we get into the apps, this post contains affiliate links. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

For Everyday Use

My personal favorite sheet music reader for iPad is forScore. I’ve talked about forScore a ton of times on this blog, and I have a full guide on how to use it.

From my experience, forScore offers more features and flexibility than other sheet music apps. You can import all of your sheet music from another app or scan the physical files.

Once you get the music in there, you’ll be able to annotate it just like if it was paper. And you can set the app to do half-page turns which is super helpful if you can’t turn the page at the bottom during a piece.

However, forScore does cost money. I was lucky and bought it like eight years ago when it was much cheaper. Now, I believe it’s about $15, but you only have to pay one time, and you get life-time access to the app. For all of the features you get, it’s worth it.

